diy brooder

  1. Setting Up Perfect DIY Temp Control System for $45

    Setting Up Perfect DIY Temp Control System for $45

    Setting up a perfect DIY brooder temperature control system on a budget. #1. Most common is using distance between the brooder and the light. #2. Is using a dimmer to control the brooders temperature. #3. Is using a temperature controller. #1 & #2 are the most common. I started with #1 in...
  2. NikksChicks

    DIY brooder for 30 chicks?

    Hi all! We are nearly finished constructing the 12x8 coop, looking towards completing a 30x20 run, and feel like it’s a good time to think about ordering chicks! We are planning on 30 chicks (assuming some casualties will occur) and I’m trying to find DIY solutions for a brooder (or 2) that...
  3. Wood Packing Crate Brooder

    Wood Packing Crate Brooder

    I am always looking for new ways to reuse the various things we have laying around here. I also am in need of more brooders. Well, my one 14 yr old son took decided to see what he could do with some of the scraps of wood, welded wire, and an old shipping crate we had on hand. Supplies: 2 - 1...
  4. Allcoopedupwith6

    Ladies (and newly found gentleman) got an Upgrade!!

    Sooooooo..... our new flock is only 4-5 weeks old but growing like weeds!!! Hubby and I put our heads together and Voilà.... I think they like it!!! I can definitely say they kiddos do :love!! Any suggestions on what I can add to give them a little extra to do at such a young age?
  5. MarlyMonster

    DIY brooder box for under $20!

    In preparation for my hatching experiment I figured I’d get a head start and get working on a brooder box for when the chicks hatch. While looking online for a brooder I noticed they all are either expensive or just don’t look durable. So I figured I’d make my own! It’s super cheap and it only...
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