diy build

  1. V

    push comes to shove...

    I can build! After trying (and failing) to find someone to hire to help me build my mobile coops, I found a person nearby who cut my 2x4s in half (like what I wanted) for free. Then I asked the guy who does our lawn to help with cutting bigger pieces of wood. Getting all the wood allowed me to...
  2. MamaBirds_Quail

    Quail coop DIY/playscape build

    Ha! Okay, so, our 10 quail have been in this DIY monstrosity for almost a month now and now ta actually going really well so, I thought I would share :) The footprint is the 3’x5.5’ sandbox area of my kids existing playscape for several reasons: 1. We weren’t using it anyway 2. It provided a...
  3. R

    4x8 Chicken Coop Help

    Hi Yall, My girlfriend and I are building the following Coop. We found the plans at We've pretty much finished all the framing and while we've been building we've come up with some questions and we were hoping you could help. - Being that...
  4. Homemade Egg Incubator - No Gas! No Electricity!

    Homemade Egg Incubator - No Gas! No Electricity!

    Contents: • Abstract (Premise) • Blueprint (Conceptual) • Step by Step Methodology (Video Included) • Purpose (Significance of the project) ABSTRACT My Homemade incubator does not make use of gas and electricity; mimics natural incubation process(a hen sitting on eggs), this is dry...
  5. tofuii

    DIY turtle basking decor + cave!

    HELLO FRIENDS! I have quite the manejerie of animals on my hands but I wanted to introduce you all to my turtle who I have had the pleasure of caring for for the past seven years. He is a Pelomedusa Subrufa, or an African Helmeted Turtle (part of the sideneck family). I love him to pieces and...
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