docile rooster breeds

  1. Malpal55

    Best rooster breeds

    Hello everyone! I'm looking to bring a rooster into my flock. I'm hoping to get a rooster that is alert, friendly and somewhat docile so he doesn't year up my hens. From the research I've done Australorps and Brahma seem like good options. I'm just worried about size, I don't want them to...
  2. Ameraucana: Best in food, companion and breeding at The Maine Homeseatd

    Ameraucana: Best in food, companion and breeding at The Maine Homeseatd

    Blue eggs are a lovely addition to the hobbyist backyard chicken enthusiast's basket. Upon an afternoon stroll through the garden to a whimsically built coop a smile light the face of the egg gatherer knowing a little blue gem awaits in the nesting box. It really brightens up the rainbow egg...
  3. BuddyADucks

    New Roo

    I just picked up my new boy a few days ago. I'm new to chickens, mostly I've done ducks in the past, so trying to place this guy to a breed has been a challenge; didn't know there were so many chicken breeds. I thought he might have been a rock since he's black and white speckled but when I...
  4. speckledhen

    Roosters & Small Children: Video Embedded

    After seeing so many comments about choosing a rooster based on breed because someone has small children, I decided to add a video to my YouTube channel about this specific subject. It touches on rooster behavior and temperament in general as well as why roosters and toddlers/small children can...
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