dream coop

  1. Bigbluefrog

    Building and designing our coop.Exciting right- yet…

    I waited a few years before designing the new coop. I wanted to be able to walk inside it. Egg access from outside. Poop shelves. Brooder built inside. The inside is almost done. And yet the birds keep going to old coop! Augh!
  2. PioneerChicks

    Share your dream coop!

    We're moving and I will be building a new coop (or coops) at our next place. I'm looking for ideas and inspiration. Please share your dream coop plans and must-haves! P. S. I want to try geese too, and possibly more pigeons, and who knows what else, so other poultry species coops are welcome :pop
  3. Greystone farm

    Dream chicken coop—let’s design one together!

    Hey everybody! My family has recently bought a new house. It’s got a pond for our ducks and lots of space for our chickens to forage in, but unfortunately, our current chicken coop isn’t mobile, and we have to buy or build a new one when we move. However, there is a 12 x 14 foot shed on the...
  4. Joyfillednomads

    DREAM coop & run

    Show your diy projects, current coops, or wish list items. Need some ideas. Thanx
  5. chickenchicklady

    Coming soon... to my house!

    Building my dream chicken coop. And although it’s a crappy time to build with lumber prices being so high, I’m rather excited for the finished product. Stay tuned. I will post pictures as I go along. Some may say the finished product is over the top. If you’re one of those people, move along...
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