
  1. P

    Is this gapeworm?

    Hi there, Over the past couple of weeks I've noticed a few of my chickens stretching their neck out as though gasping for air. Initially I thought nothing of it as I read that it can often be just rearranging the crop after eating and I'd always noticed it after they'd eaten. Then tonight while...
  2. wolf-deer88

    Drooling and shaking head

    I got my 11-12 week old chicks out to play this morning, and once I picked one up, saliva just poured out of her beak. She'll shake her head too, but I never thought anything of it. What could be her problem? Thanks in advance.
  3. D

    noticeable mass on side of ducklings neck, HELP

    i have two 3 week old duckling, today i brought their brooder outside so they could get some fresh air and i noticed that both ducklings (one more than the other) have these pocket looking masses. their squishy and don’t feel warm and are smooth, when i picked one of them up for observation she...
  4. K

    Head dropping and drooling!

    My chicken was fine yesterday and today she is hanging her head down and ticking and drooling. I've never seen this before! Please help.
  5. T

    Lethargic, white lumps, drooling

    Hello everyone, after endless googling and reading so many threads and my poor chicken not getting any better over a week I thought I would finally ask for help. My 3 year old chicken Teri, I noticed her drooling and shaking her head about a week and a half ago and a few days after that, I...
  6. GeeseGoose

    Goose Drool?

    Hello! Concerned goos parent double checking- The other day, Beetlegoose had some wicked drooling going on. (It caught me by surprise and was honestly a bit funny.) it happened right before a storm rolled in, and the temperature had soared to just under 90°f outside! My ducks were panting a bit...
  7. danimajor1988

    Chicken drool??

    Hey, so I just noticed my chicks mouth filling up with water or drool, then she swallowed it. Then she did it again but the drool fell out. She has scissor beak and a missing right eye, she's about 3 weeks old and still in the brooder. I've been checking get weight every couple days and she's...
  8. R

    Gosling with respiratory issues

    I have a month old gosling who has recently been panting and drooling a lot at night. He doesn’t do it all the time but last night scared me when this went on for over an hour. He was in my bedroom so it wasn’t too hot and he had plenty of clean water available. My current vet is out of town at...
  9. R

    Drooling lethargic chickens since introducing new ones

    We have 2 americauna and 1 rhode island red chickens. About a week ago we got some orpingtons from a poultry farm.. One was gurgling and drooling but we're still newbies and don't know everything about chickens, so we didn't think anything of the possibility that it could be sick. All our our...
  10. Qquails899

    Water coming out of beak

    My quail is drinking a crazy amount of water and eating less. She's been doing this for a long time but now I see that water is coming out of her beak more often. She shakes her head before that. What can I do to stop this?
  11. I

    sick duckling maybe?

    i recently bought a duckling named cheese. he was fine but now he sneezes and drools a lot. to the point where it pools up on the floor. ive read that it may be from fast eating but it happens when he’s just resting. his poop is also kind of runny. im afraid cheese might have a respiratory...
  12. Ginnylouwho

    Rooster is sick, hard crop, drooling-please help!

    I have a one year old buff orpington rooster, he hasn't lost weight and seems healthy enough. He has been sleeping a lot lately, and we thought it was just that he has more hens now. They've all been together for about two months, and the new hens were quarantined prior to introduction to the...
  13. Gooseypoo

    Help! Drooling duck who was attacked unable to swallow

    Yesterday morning I went out to let the ducks (4) and geese (2) out of the barn and found that something had gotten into the duck stall killing one of our female Indian runners and injuring our female khaki Campbell. It was about 2 degrees out so everybody was already cold when I let them out...
  14. H

    Drooling Chicken?

    Hi everyone, Ive had this chicken for about a month, shes around 3 years old and an isa brown. When I first got her I noticed she was shaking her head a lot. As time has passed things have gotten worse. Shes been drooling excess saliva for around a week now, usually clear/foamy. Today it was...
  15. HappyDancin'

    Hen spits up (regularly) but doesn't act sick

    I have a 2.5 year EE hen who I often see spitting (often being multiple times a day, for as long as I've had her). It does not seem to be a problem, and I'm not worried...just curious. She is healthy and lookin' good. I sit out with the chickens and I only notice her spitting up because of her...
  16. Shananagan25

    Chick may have broken neck? Slobbering and shuffling backwards.

    So I have 12 chicks, about 4 weeks old. The bigger ones enjoy jumping into the edges of their box and roosting since they are inside and not outside. I have a feeling that one may have cluelessly jumped down on this smaller chick. She has been acting strange lately. She still eats and was...
  17. Gemduckmum

    Ducklings have quite a lot of clear fluid coming from nose and mouth. Is this normal?

    Today 2 of my 5 ducklings spat/snorted quite a bit of fluid (I couldn’t quite see where it came from) when I picked them up to clean out the pen. That’s the only time I’ve noticed anything like that. Then I put the ducks back and the same two did it again but this time I saw it come from the...
  18. DuckMochi

    Duck drool????

    I just picked up my 6 week old duckling and he furiously shook his head and caused tons of what seemed like slimy saliva all over the place. Yes it was slimy because it got all over me... I gave him some water. He’s not acting sick or anything but I didn’t think ducks drooled??? Should I be worried?
  19. M

    Help! Chicken falling over!

    Hello! A week ago I found my 6-month Ancona hen falling over and acting super drunk. My out-of-state chicken-loving cousins advised me to remove her from the rest of the flock to see how she does, but she has not gotten better. She is eating and drinking fine, and is laying normally (she's one...
  20. HappyClucker7

    What killed my hen and how do I keep my flock healthy?

    Yesterday we lost our one year old Australorp, Peppa. The day before she came out of the hen house with the rest of our flock and seemed normal at breakfast. A little while later we went back down to the coop and noticed that she was letting out a runny, stinky green-brown poop. Then she went...
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