dual purpose

  1. H

    Egg laying/Dual breed

    I was fully intending to raise my chickens for eggs only, but I recently learned that 4 (2 RIR and 2 white Plymouth rocks) of them are apparently excellent for dual purpose. I know that I do not want to use the other 4 for dual purpose, just eggs. Is there any conflict with having I guess you...
  2. RayrayB

    Best Free Range Bird for Meat

    Hi! After raising chickens for fun for the last few years, I have started the journey into sustainability and raising my own chickens for meat as well as eggs. I started with a small seperate flock of marans and ameracaunas with the idea of using the extra roos for meat and keeping the hens for...
  3. monti

    Dual purpose polish

    Anyone ever try to breed for a heavy polish? I'm working on my third generation I crossed first hens with polish I kept a light brahma x polish rooster Then crossed the polish cross hens with my rooster So I have now a polish roosters going to breed them to my second generation Debating on...
  4. M

    New to breeding

    I have recently purchases 10 Bresse chicks. I have experience with laying hens and this will be my new venture into raising chickens for meat and eggs. I plan to supplement my egg production from my established flock. But I would like to continue to Breed and raise Bresse for my own family as...
  5. Aziara

    Breeds that come in gold duckwing (wild type)?

    I'm trying to get a decent size list of good layers who come in this color pattern. I want to work autosexing into a medium size, dual purpose that lays well. I know sussex at least used to have a brown, but I can't find them (unfortunate, as the sussex personality is my first choice). It looks...
  6. A step by step guide to choosing the right chicken breed for you

    A step by step guide to choosing the right chicken breed for you

    When starting out with chickens, at one point I remember asking myself, what is the perfect breed(s) for me and my situation, location, etc… With a few years of experience and research under my belt, I’ve decided to compile a guide to help newcomers to chicken keeping make the decision a lot...
  7. Ari_m

    Wyandottes - Meat experience + Bresse or Delaware cross??

    I’d love to hear anyone’s experiences with good quality(not hatchery) Wyandottes- and hybrids as well! Photos, growth rates, average finishing age & weights, are all greatly appreciated as well. I live in a neighborhood and have gotten along well with my sweet Delaware rooster who only ever...
  8. davidmpenning

    How to find specific breed Breeders?

    As I’ve been researching which DP to get for meat birds, I keep coming across people saying to make sure to buy from a breeder. It sounds like some hatcheries are good, but breeders (breeding for meat quality) should be better. I’ve searched on other websites and here on BYC, on Facebook and...
  9. Blue laced red wyandotte

    Blue laced red wyandotte

  10. EnnieM


    I bought 30 cockerels, all dual purpose but all good meat breeds. Many family and friends are requesting to buy a couple. I know there are laws, so I’m selling live and offering free processing before delivery. I need help figuring out pricing. If I just broke even, I’d be happy. We will be...
  11. ChickChic00

    Meat Breeds?

    Are Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock and Delaware chickens good to raise for meat? Thanks in advance!
  12. P


    I have searched and searched but fir the life of me I cannot find anyone who is currently breeding Dorkings other then grays. I’m really wanting to find some reds or colored. Anything from eggs to full grown. I’d drive across the country for the right birds. I’m really interested in this breed...
  13. Katonk

    Epic search for real Delawares

    So I'm looking for large meat delawares and it's been a sad search so far. I was excited to be planning a purchase from Claborn Farms but he emailed back to let me know he had lost his flock to illness. Totally heartbreaking, his lines showed his love of the breed and years of hard careful work...
  14. Starting Over the Dual Purpose Project

    Starting Over the Dual Purpose Project

    Starting over can be a hard thing to do. Remembering how far you came before can actually hinder you even more when you have to go back to the beginning. I found that I needed to do just that. My health was not great and I was finding that I needed to cut back in order to be able to still raise...
  15. How the Dual Purpose Breed was Developed

    How the Dual Purpose Breed was Developed

    If you scroll a hatchery website, you may discover a category labeled "dual-purpose" breeds, such as Rhode Island Red, Australorps, and Wyandottes. Most dual-purpose breeds have American roots, however, all dual-purpose breeds have some foreign ancestors. I will elaborate on the influence that...
  16. starfiresr22

    Dual purpose breed for tick control

    I am curious to see what breeds you guys would recommend for me as I'd like to start raising chickens for some meat as well (and I have also spent lots of time searching the forums here). I live in Wisconsin, so winter hardiness is important, and on ten acres. My primary purpose for my birds...
  17. CanadaEh

    Leghorn vs. DPs questions

    Barred Rock (dual purpose) keeper here. Checking my breed selection and thinking of adding a second breed. Having some questions regarding Leghorns: 1) by how much can you save on feed by raising and keeping leghorns for eggs instead of Dual Purpose? 2) are they less hardy / more miserable in...
  18. danceswithronin

    Do you slaughter your laying hens after 2-3 years, or are they pets for you?

    I'm still debating on whether or not to process my layers after their peak egg production years are over. I feel like after two years I would be quite attached to each individual hen and they would be more like pets than livestock, but on the other hand, the idea of processing the flock out...
  19. Arcadian Orchard

    Arcadian Orchard

    Several years ago we moved away from the urban grind sort of lifestyle and took up "Homesteading" on a little spot of ground that we call "Arcadian Orchard"... building our own little version of Eden where we garden, raise poultry and pigs and cook up big piles of food. The more food we can grow...
  20. Smuvers Farm

    Culling Dual Purpose for Meat

    Although I know the pullets/hens are used for eggs, let's say too many have hatched out and you want to cull them for meat. At what age would be appropriate for a good sized DP bird?
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