duck egg problems

  1. N

    Duck egg growth trouble

    Posting hoping for some answers as Google has been completely useless with this particular issue. I rescued an abandoned duck egg and made an incubator, with lamp for heat, water tray under lamp and a damp cloth near egg for humidity, turning the egg around 5 times a day. All seemed to be fine...
  2. N

    Is this a blood ring?

    Hello all and thanks for this amazing forum! I’ve been reading many threads in here and also incubating some duck eggs. This is my first time incubating, and I’m quite worried about this egg. The first few days, we turned the eggs horizontally by hand, twice a day. Everything was going great...
  3. F

    Holes in my eggs!

    Newly laid eggs keep coming up with holes in them, and I’m worried! I had a rat problem due to a hole in my duck’s coop and I am thinking maybe they found another way in again? The holes all are the same shape each time. I’m just hoping it isn’t another duck poking holes. The yolk doesn’t seem...
  4. C

    Help determining age.

    Hi I have recently got some duck eggs and unsure of how far along they are. I have been doing lots of research on them to figure it out and I think they are about 17 or 18 days. Here is a picture of one of them. Can anyone help me guess how old they may be?
  5. awyman

    Beginner Duck Mom Question.

    I have a couple questions as far as duck egg laying goes. The other day I found my first 3 duck eggs in a random spot in my duck enclosure. I collected them, and floated them because I wasn’t sure how long they had been there. They were perfectly fine. So I go back to the same spot the next...
  6. Jme2283

    My Rouen Has Laid a Soft Egg

    Hello. My 4 month old Rouen has laid 6 eggs so far within 4 days. I noticed today she laid two but one was “soft”. The rest of the eggs are hard and appear correct and healthy. I’ve read calcium can be a factor however, my question is, what do I do with that egg? My intentions are to let the...
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