My Rouen Has Laid a Soft Egg


Jul 27, 2019
Hello. My 4 month old Rouen has laid 6 eggs so far within 4 days. I noticed today she laid two but one was “soft”. The rest of the eggs are hard and appear correct and healthy. I’ve read calcium can be a factor however, my question is, what do I do with that egg? My intentions are to let the eggs be and hatch naturally. Is it a “bad” egg? Do I get rid of it? Can I eat it?
Does she normally lay like this?
I wouldn't eat it or try to hatch it. Too much of a risk of bacteria getting in, and I sincerely doubt a baby chick could grow properly in there. It might get stepped on and squished! Oxygen and moisture exchange might not be right, either.
Does she normally lay like this?
I wouldn't eat it or try to hatch it. Too much of a risk of bacteria getting in, and I sincerely doubt a baby chick could grow properly in there. It might get stepped on and squished! Oxygen and moisture exchange might not be right, either.
I think you should just throw it away. Bacteria might get in it, and it won't hatch anyway, so it's useless.
thank you. See idk if it’s useless, this is why I’m asking :)
Does she normally lay like this?
I wouldn't eat it or try to hatch it. Too much of a risk of bacteria getting in, and I sincerely doubt a baby chick could grow properly in there. It might get stepped on and squished! Oxygen and moisture exchange might not be right, either.
Hi, this is the first time she’s laid eggs. I didn’t know if this was a bad egg or how they come out...
Sometimes in the beginning of laying strange things happen. Simply discard any soft shelled eggs. Understand that the brooding instinct has been 'bred out' of some duck strains. Hopefully yours will set. Time to get an incubator ? :p

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