duck hatch help needed

  1. M

    Niacin Requirements for Call Ducklings?

    A family member had some call ducks hatch over the weekend, and I am wondering how much niacin to give them. I have nutritional yeast (Bob’s Red Mill brand) that I used for my silver appleyard ducklings last year. However, with call ducks being significant smaller, I am not sure what to do for...
  2. mews

    Mallard Duck Egg Suddenly Has Bruising, Advice Needed!

    Hello all! Yesterday I had posted about this duck egg and today will be the same but a new discovery, as I noticed a new appearance of bruising on my ducklings egg (I have not taken it out of the incubator as of yet). The only thing is, it's where the membrane is (the pointy end). This...
  3. Duckylicious21

    Cracked duck egg day 26!!! HELLLPP

    So!! I've been very good on not touching my duck eggs out of fear of killing them. But i had 1 duck hatch early (dried and taken out of the incubator) but not before it went after 1 of the eggs! I'm concerned because this egg hasn't even internally pipped yet. And now has a massive hole and...
  4. KimTatum03

    Hatching Duckling Advice

    I recently had one chic that pipped and failed to hatch and presented as shown. What is this called I want to research and learn from it.
  5. J

    Hatch help!

    I have just two duck eggs in my incubator after the other four sadly didn't develop. They external pipped at same time about 35 hours ago. One progressed and hatched this afternoon and is now drying in the incubator but the other egg doesn't seem to have progressed at all from the initial...
  6. graypes

    HELP Duck Eggs day 27 still "shadowing"

    They are so close to internally pipping but they are all still moving against the inner membrane. My incubation was too humid early on so I ran it dry for the last week (around 25%) to grow the air cells but now I'm really worried that they're shrink-wrapped. Humidity inside the hatcher is...
  7. Jessicamtorres93

    Help with Duckling hatching stage. Early?

    Hi, I am new to this page and I have a crested duck and a domestic white duck that have been laying eggs and I incubated 3. I collected them on November 21st. They may have been sitting in the coop a day or two. but my duck was not sitting on them so I brought them in. I have a video and a few...
  8. awyman

    Duck Eggs Are Late.

    My welsh harlequin duck has been sitting on her eggs for 31 days now. I’m getting concerned that they aren’t going to hatch. When should I start worrying?
  9. C

    Duck egg advice

    I have these duck eggs that I thought are 22 days but now I think they might be older. Can anyone help me figure this out?
  10. D

    Duck hatch help needed....

    I have two Pekin duck eggs at day 31. Of the viable seven eggs five have hatched and have been moved to the nursery (aka brooder). I have two eggs left that I’m very concerned about. One pipped two days ago and he wiggles from time to time and I can occasionally hear him chirp, but he hasn’t...
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