
  1. palmerm71

    Love everything about this

    Can someone pay me to do this full time?? Just started our first flock. We were supposed to get 2 Easter eggers and 2 cream legbars but ended up with one legbar and three eggers. We love all of them so much and they are growing fast. Retired military but still working full time and this is way...
  2. SunnyRocks

    How are chicks allowed to be this cute? (new member intro;)

    Hi! First time chicken mama homesteading in the alpine desert in southern Colorado. We have summer average highs of ~85°F, but our winters can be brutal with 2-3 months each year where temps don’t really break freezing and once a year we like to aim for -35°F or so and really sock everyone in...
  3. J

    Help sex my 8 week old Easter Egger please

    He is the black and white spotted one. Has the reddest comb of all 5 of my birds and red wattles. I'll keep him even if he is a roo, but then I'd like to get a hen so I get colored eggs as the rest of my flock will lay brown.
  4. Bmeadows

    Lakeshore and Easter Eggers

    We got some new additions to add in a few weeks. Hopefully these little girls aren’t as skittish when they are out into the run
  5. demonic

    Hen showing rooster signs; crowing, mating dance and more

    I have an around 14 month EE hen named Tiny. 4 months ago, she became sick for around a week and we gave her dewormer medication and epsom salt baths and over time she became fine. Her comb got huge and red and she has silky clean feathers and she loves to run around the yard. She hasn’t laid a...
  6. demonic

    How many nesting boxes are suitable for this amount of birds?

    I currently have 3 hens and 3 nesting boxes. 1 is recovering from worms and still isn’t laying yet and the other 2 lay in seperate nesting boxes. However, I have 10 ISA brown chicks still in the brooder who are around 6 weeks (I know it’s time for them to start going out but I’m postponing it...
  7. H

    Comparing breeds

    Hi y’all I was hoping we all can talk about raising different breeds/ cross breeds of chickens ? What your experience has been like which each breed? Currently I have Barred Plymouth Rocks, Americanas( recent Ameraucana cross) , an Easter egger and a Silverudd blue And overall I find the...
  8. Shepshill

    Two-week-old chicks

    Such a cute age, huh?
  9. R

    New Member Intro!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've just recently got my first flock of chickens, only last week. Although this is my first flock, I have helped a friend take care of her Easter Eggers. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 13 pullets, ages range...
  10. teira

    New Flock Members!

    I'm definitely not a crazy chicken lady... I love a good rainbow flock! I am thrilled for these babies to hatch, two easter eggers, one olive egger and a good old Speckled Sussex! This is my first online hatchery experience, I've heard good things from Meyer Hatchery but I'd love to hear your...
  11. Tater_TotQueenie

    Chick with severe crossed beak? Help??

    This is my first time owning chickens, and of course, we had to end up with a chick with severe crossed beak. Her name is Poppi and she is a 3 week old easter egger and she is a little smaller than the rest of the flock. She is also SUPER noisy and adorable! Since we have been feeding her...
  12. Milesfamilyfarm

    It's my chickens' first winter should they be laying?

    I have three chickens we got them a few days after they where born in April. One of my easter eggers has been showing all the signs she will lay soon for the past few weeks But she hasn't laid an egg. The Orpington isn't as far along as her but my other easter egger is showing absolutely no...
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