
  1. Everose

    Solar Eclipse 2024 Coming April 8th!

    Anybody planning on traveling to see it? I've got my solar glasses in the cart already🥳
  2. Lazy Farmer

    Post Eclipse Rooster Confusion :)

    We only had a partial eclipse her in Florida. It was like wearing sunglasses.. creepy looking. When the moon got out of the way of the sun, all my roos went nuts. much more than first light mornings.. I shot a bunch of shots, had my husband compile them into one instead of uploading 7 or 8...
  3. sarahbar8

    Suddenly roosting outside

    We have 6 hens. They have all been roosting reliably in the coop for nearly a year. 2 Cochins are youngest/lowest in the pecking order. It took a while to get them to sleep in the coop and they still lay their eggs on the coop floor instead of the nesting boxes- I think the older girls won't let...
  4. FlyWheel

    The unofficial 'official' BYC solar eclipse thread

    I'm surprised no one else here has started one of these. OK there are a few related threads, mainly asking how if will affect their animals, but not one specifically for discussion of the event itself. So I thought I'd fill the vacuum and start one. Normal rules apply: Play nice!
  5. Chickassan

    Chickens and the eclipse

    As many of you are aware on August 21 there will be a total solar eclipse. I am located in a swath of the U.S that will experience 2:14 seconds of totality, that's a lot of eclipse folks! This will be my first eclipse with chickens and I'm unsure how they are going to react. I am planning on...
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