egg coloring

  1. Alixzandrah

    How to tell egg color

    I’ve been trying to research how the genes of the chickens affected the egg color. I know you need brown and blue to to make olive egger etc etc but I’m confused slightly. So if I have a black mottled orpington roo and Easter eggers (she looks like an amerecauna lays blue eggs) and olive eggers...
  2. H

    Any guesses on egg colors these greys lay?

    Hello! I have a handful of grey girls in my coop, they could be a mix of silkie, amaracauna, leghorn, Brahma and some mutts. Just wondering if they’re colorful layers or tan/brown egg layers! Some of them have poofy cheeks and some don’t, not sure if that makes a difference. Thanks for any help!
  3. H

    Beautiful tan egg!

    Hello! I recently bought a mixed flock of birds and one started laying this beautiful tan egg color, placed next to a white for reference! It’s not a typical brown or green egg, just wondered if anyone knew what crosses or breeds would lay this color? It’s my favorite! Thanks for any info...
  4. Shancat_

    Help me complete my rainbow!

    Hi all! This spring I’m looking to increase my flock and also some new colors! so far the breeds I have barred rock rhode Island Red midnight mystic Maran light Brahma olive layers white leghorn I live in southern VT just for reference. my local store will be ordering from Hoovers...
  5. BrahmaMama80

    White to brown color changing egg?!

    Hi everyone, This is my first post! I have 2 Light Brahmas, Penelope and Koko. I adore them as much as our cat and dog. This morning I found a whitish egg but it turns to the normal brown when rinsed and then back to white when it dries. What is this all about? Is it a sign of something I should...
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