
  1. danceonweeds

    Prolapse Vent in older hen with difficultly breathing when reinserting vent

    Hello, I have a heartbreaking question that I would love to get advice on. My bantam hen is about 5 years old, one of my brooder mamas whose idea of a perfect life is to sit in her nest box all day. She is still laying and hasn't had any trouble before. Today I notice her vent was extremely...
  2. OG Anomaly

    Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

    Hi, I'm not familiar with posting in threads like this, am typing w one hand & holding the injured bird w the other- please bear w me & thank you in advance for any help/suggestions/info A few months back, my son came home from work w 12 chicks (pullets?) from our local Tractor Supply. He's...
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