
  1. AnonPaperclip

    Do hens go broody after they've stopped laying?

    Another question about our odd little faverolle. All of our hens are past laying age (all the same age too) but when I went to go check on them, I saw the faverolle sitting in one of the nesting boxes (which they haven't touched in a while) Could she be starting to go broody again? Last time...
  2. boggart

    2 Assorted Bantam Chicks

    Both of these chicks are from Atwood’s. I have a possible idea about what breed Boisdarc might be (D’uccle?) but I really don’t seem to have a clue about Mimosa.. I was thinking Faverolles, but she only has 4 toes!
  3. HamletAndEggs

    Salmon Faverolle question

    Hey there! I am new to keeping chickens and am about 10 weeks in with a mixed flock started from day-old chicks. I’m learning their personalities and pecking order and everybody seems to be doing well. BUT... I’ve noticed one of my 2 salmon faverolles has chronically wet/scruffy muff/beard...
  4. jlaffeldt

    Saying Hello

    Just posting for the first time! My name is Jenna and I am a self-proclaimed crazy chicken lady. (My husband agrees) My family had chickens when I was growing up, and I always thoroughly enjoyed them. Now that I am a little older, I have started a flock of my own. My specialty is Salmon...
  5. rascal66

    Faverolle chick- Pullet or Cockerel?

    I purchased a Faverolle chick at my farm store. I think they get their chicks from Meyer hatchery? They claim to sell sexed pullets. Anyways, I noticed that an adult Faverolle Roo have black breast feathers. What about my chick? Is it possible that its a roo instead of a hen??? I'm new to...
  6. LilMissChick

    Fluffy footed birds/silkies in the Pacific North West

    hi folks! I live in the Pacific Northwest (Vancouver Island) and anyone who has come up to Seattle, or across the border into Vancouver or been to Vancouver island knows it’s a damp and green place. As someone who is building their coop and researching what kind of chickens to get for their...
  7. AnotherMeOhMy

    August is back in the guessing game.

    Auguat is now 145 days old. 21 weeks old 4 months 23 days to be exact. I have gone back and forth and gotten several strong opinions for why she is a he or he is a she. August clucks puxks and purrs August honks loudly like a goose. August bellows out a creeky scratchy elevating squack...
  8. Little Jerry Seinfeld

    Salmon faverolles rooster or something else?

    3 months old. I honestly have no idea what this is, but I had got a group of salmon faverolles and one turned into this, so unless its a breed that just got in the wrong bin, its a faverolle Rooster right? It looks like a dark brahma too I think...
  9. AnotherMeOhMy

    Chick speak. Two questions.

    My August a Faverolle mix is just o er 2 and 1/2 months old now. Recently her chirps have had random clucks inbetween them. Sometimes she sounds like a goose with a random honking sound. Is this the normal progression of sounds for a chick her age? Next, at whay point do I introduce a nest box?
  10. AnotherMeOhMy

    Whats in the mix?

    August is now 2 months old. 62 days to be exact :) Any guesses on breed mix and gender?
  11. Just2ducky

    Salmon Faverolle Questions - Feed, Growth Rate, Dressing Age, etc.

    I am starting a flock of Salmon Faverolles because I read they are a wonderful dual purpose breed. I am hoping they will be as good on the table as they look. I know they are a heritage breed so they are not ready to dress in 8-12 weeks. My flock do not eat that much feed like I thought from...
  12. FrauFrost


    Hey faverolle folks. Just wondering what gender this chick is. My gut y says cockerel ... dark feathers, heavy and big legs but just wondering. I have TOOO many cockerels. It would be nice to have a hen lol
  13. DaphneNL

    Faverolle Chicks 16 days old

    So last year I hatched some french faverolle eggs in an incubator and knew 100% sure which chicks were male and female before they turned two weeks old. This year, not so much. The man I bought the eggs from bought a new rooster and apparently his kiddos are much harder to sex. Their "mom" is...
  14. Nodaksnakelover

    My 2018 McMurray Hatchery order. Columbian Wyandotte, Speckled Sussex and Leghorns.

    Just had to share some pictures of my morning... My order from McMurray Hatchery is in. I ordered 12 Speckled Sussex, 6 Columbian Wyandottes, 7 Pearl White Leghorns (of which there are actually 8, they sent an extra. And then the rare chick that I now think is a Sultan. All chicks alive and...
  15. teamcarp33

    Bantam Salmon Faverolles

    Hi everyone! I have been searching high and low for Bantam Salmon Faverolles! I finally found some eggs for sale on Ebay, but didn't have any luck hatching any. Does anyone know anywhere to get hatching eggs, chicks, adults, etc? I have two hens, so I really want to find or hatch a male, and of...
  16. kaitlyn_2001

    Faverolle has Stopped Laying?

    Hello, my 2 y/o Faverolle, Jonesy, has stopped laying recently. She hasn't given me an egg in about 2 weeks. I am very concerned about this as she has never stopped laying before, she usually gives me an egg every 2-3 days, (this is because Faverolles aren't very strong layers in the first...
  17. Lutman_Chick


    Hello! I have dabbled in an out of this forum for a while now gaining tips and help so i've decided to become a fully fledged member. I have nearly 30 chooks and cockerels of various breeds , some Creme Leg Bars (love the blue eggs) Wyandotte's (standard and bantam) Vorkworks (hatched in the...
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