feather issues

  1. B

    Pullet feather problems - can I help?

    I have two month old pullets, all have been fully feathered for several weeks. All except for this one. We just got through treating a nasty scab on her back from her picking at herself (hence the purple stain, thanks Blu-Kote). Now her feathers are finally coming in there, but they look…...
  2. BrahmaMom1797

    Hen bleeding from feathers around neck, but no breakage.

    Hey all. I have a year old sultan hen who just recently started having some feather loss issues around her neck and upon inspection today these odd pin growths have started to bleed. There’s no bullying type wounds, it all seems to be just from these odd pin feathers. I’m really wondering what...
  3. joannmartin

    HELP! Duck feathers look terrible!

    I am totally stumped trying to solve my ducks feather issues. I initially thought it was a wet feather and did a Dawn soap bath....checked her oil gland and it looked fine. Took her to the vet and they didn't see any mites. Kepted her in all winter because I didn't think she would be able to...
  4. Cotton Hill Chick

    Hen w/Sketchy Feathers - no molt - no new growth! Help!

    Hello Friends, I have a gray Polish Hen who went broody this summer during a stretch of 90 degree heat. Being new to chickens, I let her sit the eggs. None hatched. She emerged from this experience quite bedraggled (first 3 photos below). Her wing and tail feathers are just the main...
  5. The Eccentric

    Frizzle, Sizzle, or Problem?

    I've a few week and a half old chicks who are just getting their wing and shoulder feathers in. (such cuties) Everyone seems to be doing really well but one of my little Australorp/Leghorn cross' feathers are coming in real wonky. Very fragile, scraggly and thin. She's a good weight, eating...
  6. Lottie209

    Feathers not growing back

    I’m not sure about one of my hens. She’s lost feathers, firstly because she was broody a couple of months ago and secondly we clipped her wings months ago. The other hen’s wing feathers have grown back and needed clipping again since, but her wing feathers and chest feathers haven’t returned...
  7. K

    Help please - identifying a problem with a young geese

    Hello everyone, This is my first time raising waterfowl. About 4 weeks ago I got 6 little goslings, 3 Toulouse and 3 Africans. They stayed inside my house for the first week then I arranged them a little house outside with a grazing pad. Everything was going well until a few days ago. One of...
  8. Fiddlestickx

    Feather Issues with My Flock

    Hello My hens are a mixture of a Rhode Island Red and a Marran - they are 1 year old, they are penned in quite a large space, i do not have the facility for them to be able to forage free range, they are laying laying since about 6 months old and are good layers, they are fed a mixture of...
  9. S

    Help For My Frizzle Cochin - Feather Issues

    She started losing a few feathers and then it progressed to this. Thought maybe the Roo was being too hard on her so we removed her and she is in her own little house. Now it is to the point her wings are completely bare and she looks like Edward Scissor Hands. She is still laying and eating...
  10. G

    Both Roosters and Hens wont grow their feathers back.

    Alright my issue here is that my chickens seem to have lost their feathers during the molt season. Which is natural, but it's getting hot where I am at and I worry. They lost their feathers going into fall and they don't seem to be able to recover. The rooster are fatherless on their backs...
  11. A

    Feather problems

    Any idea why her neck feathers look like this? It’s been going on longer than a molt. Coop was deep cleaned more than a month ago, no noticeable mites on anyhens...dusty baths available. Her neck looks naked, I haven’t noticed her being picked on either....her bum isalso bare, but I have a maran...
  12. M

    lost and scruffy feathers

    I have 7 hens that started laying in September. I put a timer and light in the coop to keep them laying through the winter. Now their feathers are showing a lot of the softer, fluffier underfeathers and a couple of the hens have lost a lot of feathers on their backs near the tail. No...
  13. emmylou6847

    An infected shaft of a feather?

    Not the best pictures but I was solo! Haha she is currently molting and about 2yrs of age -
  14. ChookyBirbs

    Will her flight feathers grow back?

    I'm new to raising hens. I got my chicks last spring (2017). When my young chickens were around 6 months last fall my one hens, Beanie a barred rock and self proclaimed leader of the flock of 4, started 'flying the coop'. She jump the 6' fence and the others along with her. So I did what I do...
  15. Bkyrdpeckrhed

    Oh Feathers

    It is January 2018 in Eastern PA. My birds are well cared and get well fed but their feathers still aren't looking too good. I have 12 hens and 1 rooster. I get a dozen eggs per day but sometimes only 11. How long does the molt last? They look pretty scruffy and some have feathers missing...
  16. Bk5566

    Bad molt? Blood & scaly skin.

    My five year old ameracauna is struggling with her molt. Her neck is bald with dry scaly patches and no pin feathers coming in. This morning she developed bloody patches on both of her shoulders. She is hiding from the other chickens ( I have now separated them). She is eating and drinking...
  17. Saaniya

    What is this?((( Pics)))

    Feather Follicle Or Pimple???
  18. BrahmaMom1797

    How to make my polish hen see

    I don't quite want to trim her feathers, they're quite lush, but she can't see and she's pretty nervous because of that. Is tying her hair loosely back with a hair tie bad to do? Or painful? Please help.
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