feathers aren't growing

  1. H

    Ex-battery hens, no feathers. Worried about winter months.

    Hi Everyone! In July 2019, I adopted four ex-battery hens. When they arrived, they were all very pale looking, scruffy/missing feathers and quite thin. Over the past 4 months, the girls have thrived! Their combs and faces are red, they have gained weight and love rummaging about in my garden...
  2. Maxwell Schmidt

    Help ! Winter is coming

    Hi everyone, I’ve had an outdoor coop of coturnyx quails for over a year now and they’ve been doing great. Everyone did well through the winter last year but I’ve downsized from 10 Quail down to 1 male and 3-4 females. All of them are laying and behaving well but I’ve got one that has a decent...
  3. H

    What's the Quickest Way to Heal My hen's Plucked Feathers??

    I have been battling my roosters for months now. They keep tearing up my hens...it's to the point where I keep them separated and have my hens wearing saddles. The only Issue I'm seeing is that the feathers aren't regrowing. It's been a month and the feathers have barely healed or made any...
  4. Chickenunsernam

    Chicken's feathers don't want to grow back

    Hi everyone- I have this chicken that her back is absolutley bare and her wings and neck are losing feathers. Her tail feathers are gone. She's with one rooster but this rooster has like 7 other hens with him and he's very old he mates less with them ( he's like 9 years old now) I thought...
  5. gohappy

    What's up with his tail?

    This is "Baby" he was the runt of our chicks. He will be 13 weeks June 20. He had swaddle leg when we got him but was able to fix that. He started crowing the week of May 13 and started the egg laying song two weeks ago. His crow sounds like a squeaky toy or better yet that toy you blow into at...
  6. Larouxbestfan

    My hen's feathers aren't growing back?

    Hey there! So I have a silkie hen named Beretta. For months now, she's had a bare back. It's been getting progressively worse since the summer. She randomly started losing feathers on her back this summer and now it's like it is today. I always thought that this happened because other hens were...
  7. J

    HELP - Found lump/growth on baby chickens side.

    Breed: Wyandote x Frizzle Age: 1-2 months old Sex: Unsure (thinking she's a hen) Name: Ash Ash is very active, doesn't have problems walking, eats her food well, drinks plenty of water. Follows the usual routine that we have done with all our previous chicks. Overall she is a healthy...
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