
  1. MoxxyMay

    Quail chick’s feet up near its head

    Hey guys, I’ve just had two baby quail hatch at day 16. The first one (Captain) seemed to be okay walking around at first but then I noticed her feet were turned in and she seemed to be hobbling. I’ve tried taping her feet in the proper position but they still rotate inwards and cause her...
  2. Wurmbag

    muddy feet feather

    my flock is mostly bantam ICochin and Cochin mixes, and I live in the Pacific Northwest, where it rains most of the year. last year most of my birds feet feather broke off or I had to cut them back because of the rain. their run gets pretty muddy, I put down sand usually which helps but isnt a...
  3. ChickenPickle

    Hard broken feathers on the feet.

    My silkie rooster gets sand burs sometimes and when I was picking some out I noticed his feet were very scaly I picked at it a little and they seemed to come off easy. Maybe just dry skin? But his feathers on his feet were also a bit weird. Some of them were super har and they were spilt down...
  4. Chickadee00

    Swollen feet

    Hello, my lady has swollen feet. When I got her a few weeks ago I made a mistake and didn't check her feet, she had scaly legs, which I've been treating with ballistol oil. They're getting better and suddenly today I see that her feet are swollen like this? Could this be bumble foot? Should I...
  5. BlueHorse17

    Ugh, Bumblefoot…

    I unfortunately lost a chicken earlier this year after attempting to remove the bumblefoot from the bottom of her foot. It was in a tough spot though. I now have another hen with the same issue, but fortunately hers is right on the bottom of her foot. On my last chicken I tried cutting and...
  6. A

    Emu feet are different!

    So my emu is about 5 days old and I noticed its feet are both different. Is there something wrong with it or is it normal? It runs and walks pretty well, trips sometimes because it doesn't pay attention. The more lit up one is the left and the one in the shadows is the right.
  7. R

    Please help!!!chick problem😟

    Hi to all. I have one chick born feb 11, 2021. She hatched nonassisted and fast. After a week or so, she started having legs going sideward then ultimately the right went backward one day. There were times i tried to hobble her legs but she got stressed more so did not continue. So she drags her...
  8. mapurcel

    Feathered Feet Vs. Mites

    recently I took one of my girls to get checked out by the vet for leg mites. (Different girl than photo). The vet said that my hen did not have mites.... but the one I took in looks the best out of all of them. I didn’t press the matter because it is a new vet and she came out and stood in the...
  9. K

    Duck can walk propely

    I recently purchased up 2 Indian runners and the male doesn’t seem to be able to walk properly, I rang the person I purchased him from and he told me there was nothing wrong with him when I picked him up, he was in a box so I didn’t get to see him running around. He seemed to think it’s because...
  10. Cassandra Lana

    Top of Ducks bills is flakey dry/wrinkles

    Hi pls help if possible,(not a emergency) the top of my ducks bills are look flakey dry and wrinkled. Their feet are similarly dry. It doesn’t seem to bother them but it confuses me . They constantly have deep water and eat organic layer feed with separate baked egg shell crumbles for a optional...
  11. A

    3am Wake Up Call

    Hey everyone...3am had me outside in my bathrobe cuz one of my chickens was making this god awful dying noise. Found her sitting outside the coop in the snow and both her feet were bleeding! I managed to coax her back inside the coop and when I did all the birds (6 total, I have a teeny flock)...
  12. Y

    Rooster with swollen middle finger

    One of my roosters has a swollen finger is there anyway to help him
  13. B

    Newborn chick with mangled legs

    Hi I’m new to this forum as we are new to raising chicks. We had a baby hatch yesterday and it’s legs are spread wide apart I believe they call that splayed and also it’s feet are all curled up. I have read about rubberbanding the legs together so that they can grow strong but the poor fella...
  14. Azafran

    Young quail with irritated foot?

    One of my 9 week old Bobwhites, Llama, seems irritated by one of his feet! He rapidly taps it on the ground restlessly but there is no buildup of poop or any other substance that could be causing a nuisance. His feet are pretty much spotless and There’s no swelling to be seen! Should I be...
  15. grammaC

    Pigeon-toed, injured, or Marek's?

    My Welsummer hen is about 4 1/2 months old. Was vaccinated at hatchery. Grew up fine with flock mates. Suddenly, she is pigeon-toed, injured or has Marek's disease. She can't walk without stepping on her own feet, losing her balance and tipping forward or sideways. She uses her wing to balance...
  16. S

    chicken with big white bubbles on feet

    My four year old Barred Rock hen has really cracked looking feet, with two or three white masses on them. I keep her coop clean, she has access to fresh food, oyster shells, and water. What are these, and how do I help her get rid of them/prevent them for the future? Thank you!!
  17. K

    Cayuga duck biting own foot/Tiny Hole

    My 3 month old Cayuga female is biting at her own foot when in her pool. I picked her up today (no small feat) and saw that she has one TINY pin hole in her webbing. After reading some posts here, it's possible that it could be an ant bite or maybe she just stepped on something. I'm not as...
  18. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Recurring Bumblefoot? Early stages? (Photos)

    I've posted before about my ~1 year old GLD who had severe bumble foot on the bottoms of both feet a few months back. She had surgery, and had since healed beautifully. Sadly, the last few days we've been getting abnormally torrential rains and it's been next to impossible to keep her run dry...
  19. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Injured Feet - Bandages? Leg Mites? Ideas?

    Hi all, Our poor 1 year old GLD just bounced back from a pretty severe case of tandem bumblefoot (bottom of both feet. After surgery and with lots of R&R she bounced back beautifully. Of course, upon being back outside for her first few weeks she ended up scraping the tops of both feet pretty...
  20. WatkinsCluckers


    Has anyone had issues with their free range chickens when it comes to grass stickers/burrs/goat heads? I live in Texas and every yard has some sort of sticker down here. I haven’t allowed my chickens out their run yet because I’m concerned that they’ll get hurt walking in the grass. Has anyone...
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