female ducks

  1. D

    Sick Duck, dont know what to do for her

    Hey there, I have a female buff duck, almost 2 years old, who recently has started acting strange. We first noticed that when the flock would venture to the neighbors yard she would stop walking, drop her wings and wanted to be carried back to our yard. This is very unusual as our ducks do not...
  2. Duckwo

    I need help

    I was planning to get 2 female ducks. 1 khaki Campbell, and 1 Pekin. Today my grandmother came in and handed me a box that had 2 ducks inside. I asked her what kinds they are and she doesn‘t know, but says that the man told her they were both female. Is there any way to find out what kind of...
  3. TheBirdBabe

    Blue Swedish Ducks for sale in N. TX!

    I have (4) Blue Swedish Ducks that I am selling to a GOOD HOME. They are two & a half months old, only a few weeks off from laying fresh eggs! 🥚 I can sell as pair, only. (ex. must take a male & female or all 4.) They are $35 per pair or $50 for all. I do have other ducks available that I'm...
  4. WendyLee17


    Hello all y'all animal people! ~ ~ I NEED TO GET AT LEAST TWO FEMALE DUCKS, ANY AGE & ANY BREED ~ We have 3 male ducks and 2 female ducks. That's the problem, especially, what, with all the duck rape?! This is the second season I have seen my youngest male suffer brutal wounds due to being...
  5. Team PJ

    Bottom intrusions

    Hiya, We've been happily watching our pack of 7 do their thing over the last year, we got them last August. Love having ducks. They've just been through a molt, and are currently not really laying which I think must be normal? The reason for my post, is that this morning while they're all...
  6. Rickba

    Magpie Breeding

    I've inherited, so to speak, a Magpie male duck. I already have other ducks that are paired. I currently have this Magpie in a different coop then the paired ducks. My question is, What other breeds of female ducks are mate compatible with this Magpie male. I don't want him to be alone with the...
  7. Maryam.

    Ducks got skinny

    Hi, I have two 9months female ducks called daisy and cookie. I was worried About a few things. First since they started laying eggs a few months ago they got so much thinner although their eating behaviours haven't changed. Next, one of them lay eggs almost everyday and some days 2eggs! I was...
  8. 1Rosanna

    I'm looking for 2 female Khaki Campbell ducks

    I'm looking for 2 Khaki Campbell female ducks at least 6 months old to join our pair of female Khaki Campbell ducks. I love this breed. Can anyone refer me to either someone who is downsizing their flock or selling? I'm in Mason, NH. Thank you!
  9. The Cobb Farm

    Muscovy ducks and laying eggs

    Hello, I could use some advice. I have three Muscovy ducks.. one male and two females. the females have been laying eggs for about 3 months now and in the beginning I would go out in their Coop every morning and collect the eggs and they really didn't seem to care what I was doing. but recently...
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