flea treatment

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    Sticktight flea problem, what should I do?

    I noticed one of my roosters has a few sticktight fleas around his eye. How should I treat him and his enclosure? Thank you.
  2. thecarmiearmy

    Sticktight Fleas and Treatment

    Hello all, I was checking over my bantams yesterday and found these tiny brown bugs attached to the skin around their combs and in the folds of their waddles. I used a pair of tweezers to pick and pull off what I found. They're stubborn and stay attached to the skin, I had to tug them off. Not...
  3. Logieberg


    Hey guys! Texas is REALLY BAD with fleas right now. I need to treat my yard because we just can’t get them under control and the rescue kittens we have seem to be patient zero right now but with every dawn dish soap bath, it’s killing a good amount but it’s not stopping the fleas that have...
  4. N

    Stick tight Fleas... HELP!!!!!!

    Hello there, I’m relatively new at this, my chickens are about a year old and I noticed my golden laced Wyandotte (who recently went broody) has some black spots around her eyes. The black spots seem to be spreading and are now on the waddles, combs and around the eyes of my other chickens. I...
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