geese and chickens

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    Do Geese need a pool or not? + other Geese care questions.

    Yesterday me and my family went out to do some errands and while we were out bought 2 goslings from are local farm store to be guardians for are chickens (we believe they are Chinese Geese). I noticed they had webbed feet while handling them earlier. So just researching how to care for them and...
  2. A

    Goslings with slightly older chicks

    Hi, We currently have 9 chicks (a mixture of egg-laying breeds) who are about 4 1/2 weeks old in a brooder in our garage. Last week we got two goslings, and they are set up in a brooder right next to the chicks. We intend at least one of the geese to be a guard goose for the chickens (we also...
  3. HorsesRMe123

    What Goose Breed is Right For Me?

    Hi! I’ve owned geese before (two White Chinese geese). One male and one female, the male was quite aggressive so I’m looking to only get female geese. I’d like them to be good “guard dogs” as I have had a hawk who killed one of our chickens and I don’t want it happening again. Also, I had four...
  4. khloee

    New geese under a year old trying to mate

    So I bought my two geese (white Chinese) back in March so right now they are about 7 months old. I caught them trying to mate in their pool. I know one of them is definitely a female. I have seen them both mount each other so I’m not sure if one of them is definitely a male or not. I have heard...
  5. M

    Geese to deter ravens?

    Hello, we have birds in Salatin-style tractors. We've been losing birds left & right (80 so far 😣). We thought it had to be a 4-legged predator and were setting traps accordingly, but finally figured out it was the ravens by witnessing their methods with our own eyes. They go out in the morning...
  6. ChickenWhisperer101


    Hi everyone, Next month is going to be crazy, between getting my first cattle and my 3 batches of chicks I've ordered to arrive next month. I thought about it and i thought i'd add a new species of poultry this year! I have zero experience with geese, but i've heard they're cool birds. I ordered...
  7. RiverStorm

    Pilgrim Goose Opinions? Looking for the Right Type of Goose to Get

    Hi! So bear with me for a bit of info, I'm new to the world of geese. I've had chickens for around 11 years, but have never owned a goose or duck, or anything of the sort. We own a large flock of chickens and are growing relatively large garden, and are hoping to create a movable pen so that we...
  8. K

    Puffy eyes, no other symptoms

    Hi everyone, im new to chickens and this is my first flock. I have 11 chickens and a rooster all about 13 weeks old now and free range. About a month and a half ago, I started noticing one or two chickens with a reddish and puffy eye. About two/three weeks later, about half the flock had at...
  9. Frosty_2503

    Chickens and geese or chickens and ducks?

    I absolutely love waterfowl and would like to add some into my flock of chickens. I love Cayugas and I love black East Indies as well, but I also love American buff geese, pilgrim geese and Sebastopols. I’m looking for something that will be friendly and cute but also get along very well with my...
  10. KingKarRool

    Adding geese to an existing flock of chickens

    Hello new here :frow. I recently ordered a pair of Chinese Goslings and I was wondering what would be the best way to introduce them to my flock of 15 chickens of various breeds, or if it’s even possible? I was hoping that they would act as guard geese, I’ve read that your only supposed to...
  11. C

    Is a guard goose worth it?

    I am planning on starting a mix breed flock, starting with 5 chickens. I have fenced off a large section (approx. 1/8th acre) of my small orchard with 5 foot wood framed, no climb fencing and a perimeter of dug wire a foot deep. The coop is custom built by a reputable local coop carpenter, 5×8'...
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