
In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2020
I am planning on starting a mix breed flock, starting with 5 chickens. I have fenced off a large section (approx. 1/8th acre) of my small orchard with 5 foot wood framed, no climb fencing and a perimeter of dug wire a foot deep. The coop is custom built by a reputable local coop carpenter, 5×8' about 18"above ground. We are also planning on constructing a 5×8'run attached to coop.

Predators in my area: skunks and possums, I don't see any evidence of raccoons. During the day I see bald eagles and red tailed hawks. I live on 1/2 acre in the Willamette valley surrounded by farm land or housing developments.

My plan was to get a single goose (Roman Tufted), brood it with my chicks in order to bond with them, and have them sleep in the coop. The primary function is to protect the chickens during the day from aerial predators, with secondary function as grass and weed control.

Is this a bad idea? I have been reading conflicting information. The orchard during the summer has full foliage so there would only be small sections of the area that's open to aerial view.

Can geese sleep in a large coop with low ramp with chickens?
Keeping just one goose is not a good idea as @Miss Lydia said. First, off geese will do little to no more protection than a rooster would, they would more than likely run away or just watch as the predator took another animal. Geese shouldn't be raised with chickens as they grow like a weed on steroids and will eventually start to crush and bully young chicks and they also need water to bathe in and will quickly make a mess. I used to put my geese in my chicken coop, but then they started attacking the chickens and ducks....They are better housed with other geese, not chickens/ducks

I love my geese, they are a real joy to have around but, they require certain things and if you cant provide them it i suggest you don't get them. Roman tufted are a great breed too!
I used to put my geese in my chicken coop, but then they started attacking the chickens and ducks....They are better housed with other geese, not chickens/ducks

If I have a separate covered run (40sqft) and wait till the chickens go in the coop, close the coop door and herd a pair of geese into the run and lock 'em in there, is the adequate?
I don’t have any experience with keeping a goose with chickens, but I got my Toulouse as a 2 week old gosling when my ducklings were 3 weeks and she does a superb job with them. I doubt she would be of much help against larger predators but she sure puts the run on my poor dog, any cats that come in the yard, and the occasional visitor she decides she doesn’t like! She’s very watchful when birds fly over and will herd the ducks back to “safety” whether that’s back in their coop or under my truck, depending on what’s closer. Mainly she’s there to shepherd the ducks and alert me if there’s a problem. She’s super vocal as most of them seem to be. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Since she’s only in with ducks at the moment and they have similar requirements for housing I haven’t had any issues on that side of things. On really cold mornings I often find her snuggled up in her straw bed with one duck tucked under her chin and the other sitting on her back. 😂
I don’t have any experience with keeping a goose with chickens, but I got my Toulouse as a 2 week old gosling when my ducklings were 3 weeks and she does a superb job with them. I doubt she would be of much help against larger predators but she sure puts the run on my poor dog, any cats that come in the yard, and the occasional visitor she decides she doesn’t like! She’s very watchful when birds fly over and will herd the ducks back to “safety” whether that’s back in their coop or under my truck, depending on what’s closer. Mainly she’s there to shepherd the ducks and alert me if there’s a problem. She’s super vocal as most of them seem to be. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Since she’s only in with ducks at the moment and they have similar requirements for housing I haven’t had any issues on that side of things. On really cold mornings I often find her snuggled up in her straw bed with one duck tucked under her chin and the other sitting on her back. 😂
that is so cute.
I’ve got 3 different chicken breeds that take turns ranging. With that I have 5 Chinese geese, 3 Toulouse, and a Pilgrim. Also some Chocolate Muscovy’s.
Of all that, my geese alert me of anything odd, any strange occurrence, or a predator on the scene. We’re on 20 acres that sits partially in a National Forest. Those geese make it possible to breathe a little easier. Through this year I’ve learned to recognize their alarm sounds.
That all written to be said-2 geese will give you good predator patrol. They’ll also learn to protect you as well. 9 geese will scare off ANYTHING :woot
I’ve got 3 different chicken breeds that take turns ranging. With that I have 5 Chinese geese, 3 Toulouse, and a Pilgrim. Also some Chocolate Muscovy’s.
Of all that, my geese alert me of anything odd, any strange occurrence, or a predator on the scene. We’re on 20 acres that sits partially in a National Forest. Those geese make it possible to breathe a little easier. Through this year I’ve learned to recognize their alarm sounds.
That all written to be said-2 geese will give you good predator patrol. They’ll also learn to protect you as well. 9 geese will scare off ANYTHING :woot

I could see a gaggle of geese, chasing off raccoons/mink/possum maybe a fox. They are definitely good alarm systems like roosters but do little as far as protection of other birds like chickens/ducks. I believe a member on here has a large flock of geese and one or two succumb to owls each year.
i have 2 african geese, 5 ducks and 25 chickens all in the same coop. they were all raised together so they get along. the chickens give them a wide berth. they are the 1st ones to honk out a alarm if someone or thing comes on the property. I've found fox tracks in the snow around the run many times but they never tried to dig under. id like to think its the noise the geese make that keeps them at bay. they sure do make a racket! when i hear them honking at night, i immediately let out my 3 dogs. i give water to them outside so it keeps the coop dry.

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