
  1. Phoebe_here

    11-week-old Buff Orp, hackle feathers - pointed or round?

    Hello, I’ve noticed the feathers on one of my 11-week-old-ish Buff Orpingtons are a bit silkier and more elongated than my other bird (same breed, same age). Do the hackle feathers look pointed to you? Or is it too soon to tell? I don’t see much of a pronounced comb or wattle, but the tail...
  2. - Serama Mama -

    Curly hackle feathers on my 4 month old cockerel

    Hello BYC! I just have a quick question; does anyone know why my 4 month old Serama cockerel has these incredibly curly hackle feathers? I've tried searching online and on here and haven't been able to find much about it. He's obviously not a frizzle but I have a feeling that he and my frizzle...
  3. chickpeasoup

    Possible hackle feathers?

    This is my "rhode island red" that is really some kind of production red and is about 12 weeks old. Their neck is very shiny and I noticed some weird things on its neck. I poked around and noticed they were growing new feathers! I think they might be a cockerel. They new feathers are a richer...
  4. Nature_al

    Poor Roo

    Our almost mature rooster just died unexpectedly. I want to preserve his cape and saddle feathers. Do I need to cut his trachea and drain the blood immediately? Please help!
  5. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    Hello everyone, I have been looking through all the forums on Genetic Hackle birds for Fly Tying. A common theme I see is people wanting to buy eggs to raise their own birds for this purpose. I am one of those people. There are many posts from several years ago where these eggs were being...
  6. Clearwaterhackle

    Hackle Chickens

    i own one of the rare Hackle breeds in the US. Things have changed in life and I need some help. Looking for someone that wants to either help me raise these birds and partner in the business or take over all together. Let me know if any one out there is interested?
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