
  1. MistRidge

    Would a broody abandon her nest at first pip?

    Hi all! First time letting a broody hen do her thing and I'm not sure what to do. We're on day 20, and are down to 8 eggs from the dozen she started with (I probably shouldn't have let her sit on so many to start). Over the past three weeks I've found broken shells a few times, and I assume she...
  2. Keziah

    Where to put my incubator

    Hi everyone! 👋 I just bought an incubator last night from my local TSC, and I have no idea where to put it! My living room and kitchen is attached and there are lots of windows that light up my space. It is a very small house with no basement or spare bedroom, so I don't really have an area...
  3. macl

    What’s the best multi-fowl hatching incubator?

    I can’t decide which Incubator to get, I’ve heard the Nurture Right 360 is great, but I don’t know if it had a wide enough range for my specifications. I’ve heard it does well with chickens, quail and pheasant, but I aim to hatch much larger eggs, like turkeys, peacocks and geese. Does it still...
  4. EasterChickens

    Leghorn hen broody??! (acting very like it)

    Hello everyone, my 2nd leghorn (Shyshe) acts kind of broody for the past 3 days or so. So this is how it works everyday at around 12pm she lays her egg and then she gets out of her nest box and starts eating, playing around with her other chicken friends but then at around 4-5pm she goes back...
  5. ShaliniW1985

    Giant duckling!!

    So maybe two weeks ago, I hatched out my first duckling. I usually purchase my ducklings from hatcheries, but my first duckling successfully hatched, after many failed attempts. See, my breeding drake has very strong genes, which In this case, isn’t a good thing. He’s had leg problems ever since...
  6. I

    The Apocalypse Hatch...

    My first attempt at hatching and, in the spirit of 2020, the world has decided to make it as complicated as possible... First came the heat. We don't have AC and Saturday the house was the same temp my incubator is supposed to be (and it took opening it several times to prevent it from getting...
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