hatch rate

  1. J

    What is your go to incubation method?

    This is my fourth time incubating and I learn something new each time. However my hatch rates remains around 50-60%. I’m using a Little Giant and following I guess what you would call the “traditional” method (day 1-18 humidity between 50-60% and increasing it to 70% for the last 3 days.) I have...
  2. H

    Only 3 poults out of 9 eggs :(

    Okay, so we bought some turkey eggs (red bourbon) from someone local and we're at the hatch date now. We started with nine eggs, freshly collected, but it looks like only two will hatch. I had to throw several out over the last few weeks as I found them not developing. Is this kind of hatch rate...
  3. lavendermarie

    Advice on hatching eggs?

    I have 9 chicken eggs in my incubator right now. They were just put in maybe four hours ago. I am seeking advice on how to increase my hatch rate as this incubator isn’t the greatest one out there. 1: I heard that you shouldn’t turn the eggs in the first 24 hours. Is this true? 2: My...
  4. Crazy Duck Lover

    How do I keep humidity up in inc while I sleep

    I’m currently incubating duck eggs in a NR 360. I try to keep my humidity between 50-55% before lockdown. I’m only on day two, but I do a good job of keeping the humidity stable during the day, but when I wake up it says the humidity is 39-40%! Will this effect my hatch rate? How to I keep the...
  5. Crazy Duck Lover

    Tips for keeping humidity up while I sleep?

    I’m currently incubating duck eggs in a NR 360. I try to keep my humidity between 50-55% before lockdown. I’m only on day two, but I do a good job of keeping the humidity stable during the day, but when I wake up it says the humidity is 39-40%! Will this effect my hatch rate? How to I keep the...
  6. A

    High Temp for too long. Will my chicks still hatch?

    Hi, I have about 7 quail eggs in my incubator but I'm worried they won't hatch. I made the incubator myself so we have to regulate temp ourselves. We do that just fine and we have never went too high or too low but one day I was out for a while and no one else was at home and the incubator was...
  7. Nest Boxes; why do we make a sitting hens job so difficult?

    Nest Boxes; why do we make a sitting hens job so difficult?

    Hens have been laying eggs, sitting on them and and hatching them for centuries without human interference. Considering their ancestors the jungle fowl still manage to maintain a reasonably healthy species population despite the hens nesting on the jungle floor where they may stay for twenty...
  8. Vivid Hatchery

    Horrible hatch rate, deaths throughout the stages. Please help diagnose.

    Okay, so I am having a terrible time hatching chicks. I know that most of us here keep our chicks backyard or on a small farm, and I am no different. I provide a balanced layer feed ration. Most of my flocks are around 1:5 gender ratio. My birds have a lot of places they can run and escape...
  9. bawkbawkz

    How long can an egg be warm before storing for later incubation?

    I have some broody birds on my farm, and sometimes I'm away for two or three days. I collect eggs as soon as I can, but my broody gals sit on the eggs from the moment they are laid. Does anyone know if they can be sat on for a day or two before being put in a chilled 55 degree basement for...
  10. S

    Day 18 questions

    Hello all, So I have eggs in an incubator in my classroom right now. I set 8 this past Wednesday and 5 more on Thursday (I know it's not ideal, but that's the situation). I should've counted the days more carefully and planned better because I just realized that day 18 is on a Sunday and what's...
  11. Lubuto

    My eggs failed to hatch

    I recently bought an incubator and set in 60 chicken eggs and 62 quails eggs, quails eggs 51 have hatched unfortunately for the chicken eggs only 10 have hatched , I did candling the eggs where fertile. I had set temperature at 37.5 Celsius and humidity was between 50 to 60 percent. what could...
  12. mortorffsquail

    What is the best way to incubate quail eggs with a high hatch rate?

    Hello all, the hatching season for quail for me is pretty much over when the colder weather arrives since hatching quail in the winter is a very tedious task. While on my break and before winter starts rolling in. I would like to put some new building ups for brooding the chicks and raising them...
  13. K.Riggs

    Please tell me your shipped egg experiences!

    OK, I know a lot of people have a lot of trouble incubating shipped eggs. I got 12 Cayuga eggs. One was smashed on delivery and went in the bin. One was infertile. So I now have 10 of 10 fertile eggs on day 18 moving vigorously. The air cells aren't good some worse than others and I even...
  14. Marrionna

    Hatching chicks soon. Any advice?

    Hi I am currently incubating some chicken eggs. This is my third attempt. The first one I hadn't had the temp and humidity reguleated and the second the eggs were left out to long I believe but I have finally become successful in having some chicks :D . 8 out of 10 have something in them and...
  15. C

    First time incubating eggs 4 out of 5 stopped developing

    long story short.. my dad had a broody hen I bought her eggs to sit on then decided I wanted my own chicks... I stupidly bought a cheap incubator, put 6 eggs in it. I accidentally dropped one egg but the five I had left were developing now I have four that have stopped developing, the one that's...
  16. StrivingForBetter

    DIY Incubator

    I just started my first batch of incubating on the 7th (a dozen lavender Orpington eggs and a dozen blue laced red wyandotte eggs) in some homemade forced air styrofoam incubators. So far the temps are stabilizing really well (one at around 100 and the other at 99.5) But my humidity is low (I...
  17. Lazy Farmer


    Right on time, exactly at 8 a.m.. Placed the eggs in the Little Giant Incubator 21 days ago at 8a.m.. Far out! Time to play the lottery. 51 eggs all hand turned average 4 times a day. Candled at day 15 and had 37 positive fertile eggs. We put hot tap water soaked washcloths rolled up in all 4...
  18. Lazy Farmer

    Boxing back up our auto turners for awhile..

    We have raised our incubation hatch rate by manually turning the eggs v.s. the auto turner... go figure. Chickens galore this late batch. I figure simulating more of what a broody hen reposition of the embryo in the egg rather than a gradual tilt. More time consumption of course but higher...
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