hurt chick

  1. Maritai

    My orphan chick got attacked by my dog. Help!

    So it’s been a month since we were given an orphan chick to take care of, since we have another chicken who we thought would take him under his wing which she didn’t sadly.. Anyways, he’s a fearless little guy (or girl idk) he’s not scared of our dogs, of us, anything really. He’s so curious...
  2. Maritai

    My orphan chick was attacked by my dog. Help!

    So it’s been a month since we were given an orphan chick to take care of, since we have another chicken who we thought would take him under his wing which she didn’t sadly.. Anyways, he’s a fearless little guy (or girl idk) he’s not scared of our dogs, of us, anything really. He’s so curious...
  3. zs14

    Missing Feathers/possible illness

    Hello all, We got our chickens a bit over a year ago, we have 25. I have not been home all year, so other family members have been caring for the chickens. I was warned that one of the birds named “my friend” was bullied pretty badly. Anyways, upon my arrival back home, I waited for night time...
  4. Chickycammy

    Help with week old Cockerel BR killing egg mates.

    I was lucky to hatch out 11 chicks this year. The oldest is a BR male, he was there when 5 others were hatching and he seemed okay. Yet, after moving them to the outside brooder he killed one of the other chicks. 2 days ago I had 3 more hatch out and today I thought I could move them from the...
  5. izzybe3

    HELP! Baby chick’s neck hurting!

    Woke up to one of my baby chicks crying and she’s very uncomfortable! We moved her to another box and I can’t tell if anything’s wrong with her neck. She’s 8 weeks old and she’s a bantam. She’s in pain and i don’t know what to do, please help!
  6. D

    What’s wrong with my chick’s leg?

    Hi! At my work we sell chicks and this little gal got hurt a few weeks ago, I think. Video here: They thought she was gonna die but she didn’t, she’s a fighter. I...
  7. CrazyChickMomma1985

    Hurt month old chick

    Today I accidentally shut the coop door as one of our baby chicks was trying to get out. I caught her little neck and the minute I saw her I opened it. She seemed fine at first, but then she was kinda just layin down to one side and when she got up she was favoring 1 leg. I cute her in a...
  8. Puckaster

    Chick limping after attack, advise?

    Hello. We had 3 chicks hatch yesterday out of 6 eggs. The hen had gone broody in one of the coop nest boxes where 2 other chickens lived. Id left her in there to hatch the 6 eggs I had ordered off the internet and then was planning on moving them all this morning to a new run to be by themselves...
  9. samzoost

    chick with broken leg or slipped achilles tendon?

    hello! please please help!! i was given a silkie chick for free yesterday at my local farm because she has either a broken leg or a slipped achilles with a twisted foot. a vet visit would be upwards of $200. I'm wondering if I can stint it, amputate it...just fix it myself so she can live. she...
  10. K

    Baby chick was hurt by other chickens

    So I decided to let my frizzle hatch an egg. It was my 1st time doing this. Out of 3 eggs, 1 was a dud, 1 mysteriously disappeared and the last one she hatched. She hatched 1 beautiful baby and everything seemed to be going great! After about 1 week, momma started to take baby out. The other...
  11. C

    hurt baby chick

    i just got baby chicks from a store yesterday, and once i got home i realized one of them was hurt. she hops around on one leg and the other is tucked up underneath her. she keeps the foot limp and she never puts in on the ground. she lays down all the time and hops around to eat food and drink...
  12. G

    DOG ATTACKED 9 week old chicks HELP

    Hi everyone. I recently put my 2, 9 week old Orpington pullets outside into our new coop and while I was gone for a short 20 minutes my brothers stupid dog broke through the wire and attacked the two, I found them both very shocked and barely alive. One has her right wing dropped, can stand up...
  13. K

    Very young chicken has its wing bone sticking out...

    Hey guys, the hen is about two months old, still doesn't look fully grown but has all its feathers. It was attacked by an unknown animal and it has been about two weeks since that happened and her bone is not connected to the bottom part of the wing so she can't fly. Luckily, it's freezing half...
  14. E

    Curled Wing HELP

    My chicken about 11 weeks old has had a problem with her wing and her body. The tips of her wings on one side completely stick up very high. It’s very noticeable and all the other chickens wings are smooth to her body. She also looks very ragged. The feathers on her wing are all split and messed...
  15. D

    6 week old chicks knee or hip dislocated

    Hi I’m new to backyard chickens, but I have a 6 week old buff Orpington chick that has either broke its leg or dislocated its right hip or knee. It was walking but had a bad limp and it right foot was bent inward so it was stepping on its left foot when it took steps, but now it can’t even stand...
  16. D

    Will the older chickens harm the disformed younger chicken?

    Hi, we are fairly new to raising chickens. We bought our first batch from Rural King back in March of this year. 17 of them and they are healthy and strong and laying eggs and doing great. In April we revisited rural king and they had two baby chicks all alone in a crate, their brothers and...
  17. LizzieD

    Limping/falling over 3 week old chick-Help

    Hello- My adorable and otherwise extremely healthy 3 wk old chick (1 of 3) suddenly is limping, falling over as she tries to move as usual. She obviously hurt her leg somehow and is off balance even in the large cardboard box with hay and food/water I keep them in most of the time with their...
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