
  1. S

    Help me identify the breed of my duckling

    Hi everyone! I just got a baby duckling from a friend of the family... but im not sure what the breed is and i would love to know. Any guesses are appreciated Thanks :)
  2. Icantraisechickenshelp

    Need help identifying week old chicks

    The title explains it
  3. LunaMarieWolf

    Breed/Gender of chickens?

    I hatched 3 chicks out and they aee now growing into lovely chickens. I also received 3 older chicks from a lady I trade eggs with. I was wondering if anyone could identify the red chickens the lady gave me? Just a note, the 3 Barred Rock looking chickens are the 3 I hatched out. I am still...
  4. Kcentritto

    What kind of chicks?

    Hi everyone! I am new to this forum because I just became a chicky momma a couple weeks ago. I am trying to figure out what kind of chicks I have. These poor little babies were left for dead in a parking lot near me and I decided to take them in. The two look to be the same breed, and then the...
  5. ChickenCrazy93

    Marking Chicks

    How does everyone mark or tag their chicks? I would like to identify chicks in some way so I can pick traits I like and so on. What methods work best?
  6. nowlifehappens

    What do we have here?!

    Chick 1 Chick 1 Chick 2 Chick 2 So we are starting our flock all over again thanks to a bear attack we had about a year and a half ago. It took me a while to get over all the hard work we had put in to raising our chicks to adults and then have it all be wiped away in one night. Now that we...
  7. J

    Can you tell me what breed of rooster I have?

    Can anyone please tell me what breed my rooster is?
  8. Ranchwithaview

    Please help me identify my frizzled rooster.

    He has mostly black feathers, but the ones on his neck are white close to his skin. The woman I purchased him from couldn't remember what types the man she bought him from was breeding. His "brother" has some Copper Maran, but other than both having black feathers and legs they look nothing...
  9. LunaMarieWolf

    Chick identification help??

    This chick was hatched in my incubator early this morning and I am having some difficulty finding out what breed it is. I have a mixed flock but my roo is a Barred Rock. I know it's Mom wasn't our little Easter Egger or our Rhode Island Red (because of egg shell color). It was either one of...
  10. Cnelson1970

    Can someone identify what breed this is?

    Hi Everyone! I've been reading threads for a long time, and decided I would join because everyone is so helpful and nice. I have been going back and forth with one of my chicken's breed. I hatched 5 of 8 eggs in a variety breed selection and they are now 3.5 months old. The cutie in the picture...
  11. TheCakeIsAWolf

    Help Identifying Cotrnix Quail Colours

    Sry in advance if this is the wrong forum section for this. So Ive spent the past few days hatching out tuxedo (pied) coturnix quail and I was wondering if anyone knows more about identifying colour than I am. To my knowledge this one here next to the white one is a wild type tuxedo colour...
  12. C

    Can someone identify the breed of this 2 week old chick?

    Hi, last month i got a bunch of eggs from a poultry show and i am unsure of one of the breeds that hatched. Only 2 out of the 5 eggs hatched, one a white leghorn the other chick is some kind of bantam as it is barely half the size other. They are currently 2 weeks old and i am hoping someone can...
  13. A

    Need help determining breed please

    So I traded my 3 banties for 3 hens, what I was assuming layers, but now after seeing them I'm guessing they are gamefowl, I would just like some help determining what they are. I can't currently post pictures, but I'll post some later tonight. If would be helpful in the meantime if y'all could...
  14. juliaschickens

    Hawk Identification

    Usually I am good with identifying the hawks around me(NorthEast USA), however I'm stumped on this one. I wasn't able to get a good look at the front of this hawk, but managed to get this picture. Is it a Cooper's Hawk or a Sharp-Shinned Hawk? Or a different kind entirely?
  15. KikiDeAnime

    What Are They??

    Around the beginning of summer I had bought 5 'slow white broilers' from Pioneer Feed (Our fav place). We're down to 3 due to sickness and our puppy accidentally killing one(She didn't understand, just wanted to play). I never gave it much thought but now I want to know what breed they are or...
  16. F

    What kind of babies do I have please help!

    Hi I got these guys and gals at TSC they were mislabelled, I thought they were light Brahmas but their feathers are coming in so dark grey all over...anywho please help...also some of the pics dbl posted and idk how to erase them lol sorry
  17. trinale709


    I have this 22 week old pullet and I'm just curious if I'm correct in guessing that she's a Langshan? She does have a greenish tint all over her feathers. The main thing that I noticed though... All of the Langshan pictures I have looked up have red combs and wattles. Hers are black. Does this...
  18. Amenbrotherben

    Bantam Breed Identification

    Hey everybody, Can y’all help figure out what these three Bantam chicks are? I got them today at Tractor Supply. Thanks!
  19. AnimalGeek23

    Chicken rings?

    Hey y’all! :frow This might not be posted at the right forum but have any of you used chicken leg rings (or whatever they’re called) to identify your chickens? I’m getting 3 of the same breed (buff orps) at the same age and it might be hard to tell them apart. What other thing could I use to...
  20. tjo804

    Help! Chickens ate unknown fruit :0

    can any one help me identify this tree? I am leaning towards wild plum but have not noticed it flower or fruit before the chicken got it. The fruit when green on the tree resembles a cherry tomato. It has a stone pit inside ripe purple almost black fruit. The flesh is also dark purple in color...
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