
  1. Aprilxoxo

    Common knowledge that an inexperienced person should know?

    Hi everyone I own a very small flock (2 turkeys, 4 chickens, some quail and recently newly hatched chicks) I am very new still to owning poultry and theres alot i do not know, but when i initially decided to get them i did alot of researching of what they needed, diseases, common problems, how...
  2. Harun

    Baby chicken with a swollen vent and struggling to poop. What do I do?

    When I picked up my first 4 baby chicks one of them had bad pasty butt and what looks to be a swollen vent. I clean the pasty but regularly but it's vent is very swollen and it struggles to poop. I feel so bad for it and don't know how to help it. I don't know if it's vent is prolapsed or not...
  3. Harun

    Is this bumblefoot or not?!?

    I recently started taking care of a flock of chickens and started getting concerned about my rooster, Arthur's feet. They are pretty red, and he tends to fly up pretty high(once flew up a tree,) and obviously bumblefoot can be caused by enduring the landing of pretty tall heights. He has a brown...
  4. mblack03

    Niacin Deficiency in Duckling

    Hi!! In response to my last thread, I've done so so so much research on the subject of what causes a duckling to limp, and I'm about 95% what my baby Moe is experiencing is a niacin deficiency. For context; I started noticing my 4/5 week mallard, Moe, limping early yesterday morning when I...
  5. W

    Can a germaphobe raise backyard chickens?

    I've always wanted to raise backyard chickens (I'd like to keep 4 or 5 layers), but as someone with an aversion to vomiting, the thought of salmonella scares me a little. Google backyard chickens and you'll get a bunch of articles on how backyard chickens got a bunch of families sick over the...
  6. C

    Blue bead size ball in hen egg??

    Hi, I have hens of my own and have been eating their eggs for years. The other day, I cracked open a white shelled egg and to my surprise there was a bead size blue ball in the egg white?? I have never seen this before, and I can’t find any information on the internet... does anyone have any...
  7. howdypartner

    Bantam chicks mass dying at local store

    The bantams at my local orschelns are mass dying. My brother works there and occasionally needs my help identifying illnesses in the chick pens. Recently, the bantams chicks have been dying off very rapidly. They don't know what's going on, but they have ruled out temperature. Any thoughts? I...
  8. NubbyRyuu

    Zombie Goats?

    There's been this thing in the news lately spreading like wildfire called Zombie Deer Disease, aka Chronic Wasting Disease. It says only deer, elk, and moose get this, but it has me thinking. Deer and Goats are kinda similar (mostly the browsing thing), but I do get deer that travel through my...
  9. Vhope77

    Loss of feathers and lethargic

    my chicken today I noticed has been sitting in the coop puffed out neck tucked in obviously not feeling good when I picked her up I noticed by her tail she’s lost lots of feathers as well as under her vent area has lost lots of feathers and the skin looked quit irratated any advice would be...
  10. JBirdy

    Ongoing Care for Respiratory Illness - not Mycoplasma

    Hello, My small backyard flock is currently suffering from a bout with respiratory illness. Aside from sneezing and head shaking, there aren't any other major symptoms at the moment. We've been to a avian vet and they are currently being treated with Tylan orally. I've made the choice to...
  11. rosemarysugar

    Adding in adult chickens!?!??!?

    I'm thinking about adding in an adult Rooster and hen. I have herd lot of people say that they added in the adult chickens even after quarantining them for a month ALL OF THERE original flock got sick and DIED!!!! I previously got 9 week old hens from McMurray Hatchery and they had a raspatory...
  12. MrsNoName

    White Wing Tip - marker for sickness?

    I am wondering if anyone can tell me - is the development of a white wing tip feather a sign of sickness? I had a Rhode Island Red who developed a white wing tip about a year old. She was always the sickly one in the flock and laid thin shelled eggs no matter how hard I tried to get more...
  13. krazee4chicks

    Downtown Chickens

    Hi, I'm Kimberlee, and my family and I are relatively new to chickens. Here is our introduction to give y'all a little background about ourselves and our experience (or rather, lack thereof): 1. Are we new to chickens / when did we get our first chickens? We are relatively new to chickens...
  14. G

    How do I tell the age of my chicks?

    Hi! So my friends picked up a couple of baby chicks the other day from Tractor Supply Co, but couldn't keep them and so I adopted them. However, now that I have them, I'm deadly worried one of them will get sick and die, as I've grown pretty attached. Now one of them, named Spicy, is very active...
  15. Bird biz

    Chickens slowly dying.

    Over the past year, I have lost several chickens. They slowly lose interest in eating, slowing down and don't keep up with the flock. Then they are eventually found dead. We treat for parasite. Their diet is Egg Layers, scratch and table scrapes, giving them garlic now. Hope you can help.
  16. J

    New member from Maryland

    Hello, I am originally from Southern Illinois and we have finally been able to purchase a home with some land. We are researching everything we need to know about raising chickens. My first question is about a coop. We have a very large older shed. Our thoughts are to make the back end of it...
  17. T

    Listless chicken. Looking for diagnosis

    I have a chicken who suddenly became listless and not walking, standing. Was somewhat ok this morning, but some how managed to get into the horse water barrel this morning and has been sitting all day sense I got her out. I put her in fresh hay in a nesting box. Found later that she had not...
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