#important question

  1. colleen271

    Missing Feathers on Belly

    Hello, My little Dumplin who is about a year and half old is missing a ton of feathers on her belly. You can only see it when I pick her up and she is not missing any around her vent. I noticed a few missing on her head but not bad. I checked her for mites, I have not noticed any bullying...
  2. Y

    Introduction! and Question!

    Hello all! I am an 18-year-old male and I currently am taking care of a chicken that we randomly found roaming our neighborhood. I check this site often and took some great tips from here! Thanks! My question, however, is that recently, the chicken that we found and took care of (as a pet)...
  3. ArrowheadG

    Ayam Cemani or Svart Hona?

    My friend was on Craigslist yesterday looking for the Ayam Cemani because he knows that’s one of my favorite chicken breeds, and found someone selling around 40 of them for $10 each. Being Craigslist, I know it’s not a company, so I’m a bit suspicious. I’d love to know how to tell the difference...
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