injured bird

  1. millermcnutt

    over zealous roosters (under 1yr of age) and caponization

    Pleeeeeease help!! I ended up with 4 roosters and 4 hens. Not exactly my idea of perfect, but it is what it is. I love them all and have no intention of killing/eating or giving them away. So what can I do? I have a NHR that keeps attacking. I just swat him but he jumped my 2 yr old...
  2. herbalmother

    Rooster with a Broken Hip

    I have an 8 month Cuckoo Marans rooster who has had a really rough winter. I'm assuming he got pushed off the roost in the coop on 1/20 because he was fine earlier in the day and the next day he was limping and not putting pressure on his left leg. We brought him in, I checked him out for...
  3. Pkekat15

    Hen with hip injury having problems with balance

    My pullet, Cirq, is 7 months old and recently she injured her hip in a fight. We thought that it was possibly dislocated or she had something wrong with her tendon, but when we tried to put it back into place we wernt sucsessful. Its been a few weeks and she hasnt gotten better. All she does is...
  4. Christina Haugen

    Help! Hen injured by the rest of flock. How can I help her?

    I've got 11 chickens 9 which are hens. This summer one decided she likes to leave the coop and eat apples under the tree. This got to the point where she just wouldn't stay in the pasture with the other chickens. She lived in the horse barn with the cats until it got to cold and she needed the...
  5. zowie214

    [Resolved] Duck attacked by a dog, large chest wound please help

    My ex-boyfriend has a pitbull on a chain in the yard and he lets all the birds wander around freely. Unsurprisingly, our duck Ponyo must have wandered too close and the dog got ahold of him. My ex rushed out to get Ponyo and he has Ponyo inside now, on a towel with some water and he's been...
  6. Ch8ckenhelp

    Gave my hen a cold

    My hen is healing up after being attacked by a hawk, and I think that by keeping her inside, I've given her my cold. I checked on her this morning and she was making small wheezing sounds, which she had never done before. Can anyone suggest some antibiotics (that are safe for laying hens) that I...
  7. ChickenLover741

    Rooster with VERY swollen eye area. Help?

    Just yesterday, I noticed that my rooster, Reggie, was only facing everything with one side. When I looked at his right side, I saw that all around his eye was very swollen, and looked pretty bad. He's acting otherwise normal, and CAN blink. The eye itself doesn't seem to be injured, maybe just...
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