
  1. T

    New Member with a few Chickens

    Hello fellow Chicken keepers, Joining for no particular reason but to be part of a community with a shared interest in backyard chickens. Currently have 3 chickens that I'm happy with, probably getting more in the future too. Not sure what breeds they are, but hey a chicken is a chicken, and...
  2. T


    Hello poultry parents! I'm new to the forum and relatively new to life with birds. I currently work for a large feed store in the PNW and handle new hatchlings regularly, though I haven't started my own flock yet. I finally decided to join BYC due to the HUGE outpouring of knowledge and support...
  3. S

    i am here for your chickens

    hi! im new here but i've always loved birds and chickens, I don't have any chickens yet but we're looking for a few chickens to add to our family I just love how sweet and silly they can be and I'm excited to get one! my dream chicken is a laced Wyandotte, they're so beautiful
  4. PhoenixManz

    Hi everyone!

    Hi all! Computer scientist turned farmer here! (Still work as a CS though) Growing up I always had chickens that my 2 siblings and I learned to take care of from our mother and grandmother. We moved to the big city life at some point and didn't have chickens, until my fiancee (now wife) and I...

    Greetings from central NC! (Formerly of central MA)

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We first had chickens in MA around 2012 ish. We haven't had them since 2015 due to a relocation where we couldn't have chickens. Very sad. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Nothing right this minute. (3) What...
  6. H

    Hi All! I'm a professional poultry nutritionist

    Hi Everyone! I'm a professional poultry nutritionist based in the US (BS in Animal Science and MS in Animal Science focused on poultry). My Master's thesis focused on pullets, layers, and broilers growth and production. I can get more specific if there's interest! I wanted to hop on here...
  7. EquiAsh95


    Hello my name is Ashley, currently living in Tennessee and I am now obsessed with chickens ahah. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes, started in May of this year! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 16 but have 8 more coming in December (the number...
  8. C

    Hello everyone!

    Seems a hello is the right thing here! My name is Cynthia, I live in WV and I currently have 5 chickens. Now I’m off to post some questions so here’s my oldest hen with a broken beak tip! (I promise she’s perfectly fine, just looking a little rough!)
  9. FatherHen

    My introduction

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got my first chicken in February of this year. I ended up getting my second chicken in April. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have two very lovely chickens. (3) What breeds do you have? I have one chicken that...
  10. Dadanga

    Gday gday from down under

    Gday gday from down under, mostly here for the quail but have an assortment of dogs and chicken as well. I like the building that comes along with owning them and always trying to find a way to improve the setup which is one of the other reasons I'm here. I enjoy incubating eggs and my two...
  11. ChicksofHeaven

    Chicken newbie

    Hi all! My husband and I just moved to a hobby farm. Last week we got three chicks from a FB marketplace dude.... we have a small TSC coop (hen house and small lower run) We constructed a run enclosure to let them get comfortable while they are small. (hope to free range next summer) The chicks...
  12. Nalbuque

    Hi from the NC Triangle!

    Hello! I’ve been reading posts here for so long and today saw a post I just needed to reply to! Haha it’s good to be here, thanks for having me! I’m in Wake County NC, but also kept chickens in WNC and FL. I’ve had many hens and roos in the past 6 years, and for the last year I’ve also been...
  13. J

    Our flock

    Hi, I am Julia. We have had chickens for about 7 years now, mostly rescue girls. Currently we have two bantams and one rescue chicken. Over the years I have read many of the threads here to learn and understand more about various issues and behaviours. Happy to join the community now myself...
  14. S

    Just a city mom

    Hi, I live in a large city that thankfully allows chickens. I looked into it over 10 years ago but just got our first chickens in April. We have 6 hens, an Olive egger (half cream legbar), a cream legbar, buff Orpington, RIR, and 2 red sex links. It’s been quite a journey to this point. From...
  15. C

    Introducing myself!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes. We got chicks this Winter, and have had them for about 5 months now. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 5 Chickens and 7 ducks (3) What breeds do you have? Pekin Ducks, Cayuga Ducks, Jersey Giants, Silkies, Silver...
  16. 3SiameseCats

    Introduction Post

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? March of this year I got 5 hens and 2 roosters. 4 were bought as pullets, and the others were straight run. Today I just bought 7 pullets to combat the impending issue with the roosters. Have the ability to set up a temporary spot...
  17. S

    Young and new to backyard chickens

    I recently got a chicken in March. My family found a buff Orpington chicken, we estimate was just about two months old at the time we found her out on the streets in a deserted area so we took her home. My parents also bought two chicks a week ago, but they didn't bother asking about or...
  18. Fangeddeer

    Hello! Introducing myself (following the intro list)

    Howdy! I’m North, and I’ve had chickens for two years now. I’ve been around them my whole life and I currently have eight chickens and two ducks. Four being Cornish hens and Four being two Bathams and two unknown. My favorite part of reading chickens is they’re personality and loyal/emotional...
  19. Kattzombiee

    Newbie Chicken Mama

    Hello! I am a newbie chicken mama out of NE Florida and I am looking forward to being here! :) Hoping to get a little more insight and knowledge here than my local backyard chickens FB groups have been providing (fingers crossed) I am fairly new to chickens, we were given 2 one-two year old...
  20. SinnahSaint

    New Flock in Nova Scotia

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’m brand new to chicken keeping. The birds have been in my care less than a week but I’ve been learning about chickens as part of my homestead research for many years. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have a very...
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