
  1. G

    I <3 chickens

    Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? My Dad had chickens when I was a kid (in Wayne, NJ) and apparently my Grandmother raised chickens and sold the eggs back in the early 1900s in Clifton, NJ. I started with chickens, ducks and guinea hens in 2000 when our own little...
  2. N

    New Member

    Hi. Looking forward to learning about chicken keeping and having fun doing it. We bought our 'retirement' home late last spring (40 acres) in a very rural area. We are lucky enough that there was already a chicken coop on the property. However it's not very big (4x8) and no run. We don't have...
  3. Mother of Chooks

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi everyone~! I joined BYC a while ago, but this is my first time posting on here and I thought that the best idea would be to introduce myself to the community. I also found the fun little set of questions I could answer so people can get to know me :D (1) Are you new to chickens / when did...
  4. David65326

    Greetings and Salutations

    My name is David and I am new to the Farm life. I was always a businessman for over 30 years but I had always said when I retired I wanted to buy a farm and leave the rat race far behind. A few years ago due to an unfortunate accident I was given the opportunity to retire at 50. So I did. While...
  5. XXXMasonXXX


    (1) Are you new to ducks / when did you first get ducks? Kinda/sorta, I remember liking ducks when I was younger. Now that I’m older and have grown up money, I wanted to have some pet therapy and take care of my own ducklings. (2) How many ducks do you have right now? Currently I have five...
  6. 3speckled3

    My Introduction

    Ok, so I realized I never posted an introduction, so here it is! Hey! My name is Cyara and I live in South Mississippi. My family has been raising chickens my entire life; however, all of the responsibility of taking care of them has been put on me. Everyday, I am learning new ways to take...
  7. TriciaChickens

    New from Palo Alto

    Hi all, BYC has been a great resource to me over the last 3 years that I have had chickens and I am finally joining! I am in Palo Alto and also participate in the local Yahoo Group: svchickens. Here is some information about me.. How many chickens do you have right now? 2 chickens. Recently...
  8. tayjamieson

    New Member Introduction

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? June 2018 so about 6 months as of now. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 12 hens in addition to 3 male Jumbo Pekin Ducks, 3 female Jumbo Pekin Ducks, and we are currently hatching Pekin ducklings as well. So far we...
  9. K

    Hello, Everyone . . .

    I just learned about officially joining after many years of using the BC website, so I did. As for myself, I just retired as an Extension agent w/ UF/IFAS where I coordinated and taught workshops w/ local chicken breeders, backyard chicken advocates, and fellow Extensión colleagues. Now I’m on...
  10. BananaBun


    My bunnies are Lionheads and I love them so much! I currently have two of them. I started this account to learn more about them from fellow rabbit owners, or better yet, fellow Lionhead owners!:hugs
  11. J

    hello from upstate NY!

    Hey folks! I'm excited to join BYC; had chickens when I was young and in 4-H (Orps! and one beautiful little Sebring). Just bought a house with a chicken coop in the backyard and am excited to have chickens again--15 years later! Hoping to start a small (4-6) backyard flock this spring. Would...
  12. G


    I am 75 and have recently discovered that I really enjoy homesteading activities, so in the last year I have acquired a milk cow, 2 young heifers, 2 steers, 2 Llamas, 2 cats, 11 goats, and my chickens & guineas. I have Black australorps and we had 11 hens and 1 rooster. I have lost 2 hens to...
  13. red rosecomb

    A Reintroduction from South Africa

    Hello all (Again) Just reintroducing myself on the forum after years (5 to be exact) of inactivity. I joined when I was in high school and my love of chickens and all thing chicken related was realised, took a break when I went to varsity as I had to rehome my chooks. Now I'm back and so happy...
  14. ldrchickens

    Hi From Oklahoma!

    Hey guys, I know im not new. I have posted quiet a bit and answered a few questions here and there so some of yall are familiar with, but it dawned on me that i have never formally introduced myself after being on here for over 6 months! lol I live in central/southern Oklahoma, so if any of...
  15. Pictorhens

    Urgent help, rescue chickens

    Hi, I have rescued two chickens from a farm that has been closed, they are currently in one of the rooms in my farm house. I have five chickens and a cock already, urgently need some advice on how I go about introducing them to my current flock. The two have been together the whole time at their...
  16. Eggs!

    Introduction to "Eggs!"

    (1) First got chickens in 2013 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 3 - max allowed by city. (3) What breeds do you have? Golden Sex Link (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens? Eggs! (5) What are some of your other hobbies? Sailing (6) Tell us about your...
  17. SniperGoose

    Hello everyone!

    Hi all! So I'm not really new to BYC. I just realized today I completely neglected to post an introduction! I originally joined earlier this year when my goose, Sniper, was ill and I needed help trying to figure out what was wrong with her (she's doing great now though thanks to help I received...
  18. Reeceyd17

    New Member Introduction

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Fairly new to chickens. I inherited 3 Bantams about 6 months ago (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 (3) What breeds do you have? 3 Bantams at 3 years old 3 Jersey Giant chicks at 7 week old (4) What are your favorite...
  19. Safiya44


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens. I started in August with chicks that were a week old. I grew them out and they're now about 14 weeks old. In September I hatched out some quails and silkies in the incubator. They hatched on about September 23rd...
  20. Big Red Roosters

    Late introduction

    I was supposed to make one the other day, but I was busy looking around the forums and forgot. Wasn't sure I even wanted to, but it looks like everyone does so here it goes. About me, I had chickens on and off most my childhood. My grandparents all had chickens, it goes way back to the great...
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