layer feed

  1. M

    Forgot an unopened bag of chicken food in the trunk of my car for a week. Would the heat make the food go bad?

    I bought a bag of Cluck & Co layer feed for my chickens because it was on sale but they weren't quite at the right age yet so I was going to save it until they were, but I forgot the bag in the trunk of my car and it's been quite hot lately (70s/80s). The bag was not opened yet but now I'm...
  2. teamtmo

    1st Egg! But other Pullets haven’t laid yet. When do I start Layer Feed?

    My 19.5 week old Black Maran laid her first egg this morning! Unfortunately it was crushed soon after because the shell was so soft. My 4 other pullets have not laid any eggs yet. They are all roughly the same age but different breeds. I understand different breeds of chickens start laying at...
  3. CoastChick

    13w won’t stay out of the Hen feed.

    I am currently integrating my 13 week olds in with my two-year old hens. While the two groups have their own coops, when they are free ranging during the daytime the little girls seem to have a fascination with getting into the big girl feed in the big girl run, which is a layer feed of course...
  4. S

    First egg!

    We got our first egg today! It was either an Orpington or Barred Rock who laid it, but it really doesn’t matter to me. My question is whether or not I have to switch to layer feed if 1/7 hens is laying and whether or not to introduce oyster shell. I have grit in their run at all times, does...
  5. N

    Newbies not laying

    Good morning from Iowa. I have 2 leghorns and 2 Golden Comets that are about 4 years old. One leghorn had been laying fairly well, but has slowed down in the last couple of weeks. The others quit a while ago. This spring we got 8 new chicks - 4 Americauna and 4 Rhode Island Reds. They are now...
  6. kfsilver

    Older Hens--Switch From Layer?

    I have two hens getting into their golden years (they turn eight next month!) and four hens who are still active layers. One of my older ladies I am fairly certain only lays once every few months. My other is a Sumatra, and she will still lay every day for a week, go broody, then stop laying...
  7. Launchpad

    Pekin female laid first egg. Need nutritional advice

    Hello all. So Daphne (pictured) is just over 6 months old and laid her first egg (pictured) this morning (it seems a little small but I think this may be normal for the first egg(s)). I knew it was coming as she has been sleeping in the coop in the same spot and making her little nest in the...
  8. LiizardWiitch

    When to feed layer pellets

    Hey there I currently have 4 blue plymouth rock chickens...they are sitting at 21 weeks old today and i still have no eggs. This is my first time raising hens and My question is since they are over 20 weeks do I switch to layer pellets anyways and take them off the grower feed or do I feed...
  9. Missyschix13

    Feeding Chickens when only one hen laying

    Hi all! New here to both the forum and chickens! My girls are getting closer to laying (12 weeks) and I'm starting to plan their change to layer feed (at around 18 weeks). My question is, having different breeds, they are going to start laying at different times. If one of my girls starts...
  10. L

    What to feed roosters? Also what about dried calendula?

    Her have 5 chicks and 1 mama hen. Chicks are about 7-8 weeks old now. 4hens and 1 rooster. Mama just started laying again this week so we have brought out the small chick feeder for her layer crumbles and kept the large feeder full with starter/grower crumbles. Once the chicks start laying...
  11. SeaChickens

    Ok to feed medicated feed after 16 weeks?

    Hi All, I have a few weeks (estimated) left of food for my teenage chicks (they're 15 weeks old). It's Kruse's Super Chick medicated crumble, which I've been happy with. The bag says I should switch them to a layer feed at 16 weeks, but I'd kinda like to use up this bag. Besides having the food...
  12. Kimi BK

    Another homemade recipe attempt...

    I am gearing up to try homemade food. I am attempting to lower my costs. We use 200 lbs of feed per month, so I think I can buy ingredients in bulk. Here is my first attempt, below. I have been buying organic corn-free, soy-free whole grain food from Scratch & Peck. I have this spreadsheet...
  13. PeepOverlord

    Need a No GMO, No Soy, NO PEAS feed. Halp!

    Can you guys please recommend a layer feed that IS : Organic, Non GMO, No Soy? But that is NOT: Pellets, crumbs, dust, or a very expensive bag of peas? My hens absolutely refuse to eat peas of any kind. Fresh, cooked, raw, fermented and especially not the yellow ones! They won't eat pellets...
  14. Lucy_Dobinson

    Moving Pullet From Growers to Layer Feed

    Hey all! I have a bit a of a dilemma.. I currently have a 22 week old Silkie pullet in my chick/grower area with two 11 week old Araucana chicks all eating grower pellets, they get along well. I then have my main flock of 8 older girls on layer pellets. In the last week my Silkie has been...
  15. H

    Favorite layer feeds

    Hi All. Getting ready to switch my small flock of 4 to layer feed. I’ve heard great things about Green Mountain Organics layer pellets, and Small Pet Select non GMO soy free, corn free layer feed. has anyone tried either of these and been happy? Any other recommendations would be great. Thanks!
  16. Harmoni

    Multiple shell less eggs

    My EEs are 22 weeks old. At least one started laying 2 weeks ago. She laid a few normal but small eggs. Then about a week and a half ago, she dropped a shell less egg right in front of us on the poop board at 9 pm! Since then, I have been getting a minimum of 2 shell less eggs a week. This week...
  17. Drumstick63

    1st time chicken Mom

    I have 3 chickens that free range about 5-8 hrs a day, they have a continuous feeder with layer pellets and I give them fruits and or veggies when they go back in their coop for the night, also give them a bit of corn and mealworms as a treat. I am wondering if I am feeding them to much , when...
  18. Drumstick63

    Besides layer feed

    I feed my 3 hens layer feed in a continuous feeder (I guess that’s what you call it 😆) and in the late morning I also give them usually cabbage, apples,broccoli,carrots and whatever else I buy or have around or other veggie and fruit. Is this ok, they expect this everyday (I have had them a few...
  19. Crazy Duck Lover

    Good layer feed?

    Hello everyone! Currently I have a few sets of duck eggs incubating but I was wondering if y’all could help me pick out a good quality layer feed for top notch eggs. I plan to sell eggs once my ducks can lay! Also, what would be a good food for drakes? Can they eat what the ducks eat, or do they...
  20. C

    Accidently been feeding layer feed to pullets

    I’m new to chickens and have been feeding my chickens from around 12 weeks (now to around 16-18 weeks) purina layer feed. They all seem very active and fine without problems, but i learned today this is an issue. Should I switch them to grower feed now and then go back to layer once they start...
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