
  1. brandy6375

    One of my chicks is twice the size of the others...

    Ive been raising chickens for 5-7 years now and this year I've had a first. Not sure if I should be concerned or not. So I got four day old chicks from the farm store, mow two weeks old. 2 Black Australorps a Isa Brown and a silver laced wyandotte. The issue is one of the Australorps is...
  2. Diveks

    Lazy or obese cockerel?

    Im not sure if this cockerel is lazy, obese, or has some kind of condition. He is a brahma cockerel so he is a big breed. But i have realized he is a bit rounder than my other brahmas (they are pullets though). I have felt that he sits down an awful lot. He would pant a lot too even if he is...
  3. KKelli

    Panting and uninterested

    Hi. We got 6 straight run chicks about 3 weeks ago. My husband got them for eggs/pet type but I have never had them before so have no knowledge and he is working for two weeks out of state.They did not tell us an age but from looking at pictures and charts they may have been two weeks at the...
  4. cluckkatie

    Chickens Laying Around?

    Hi all, I found my chickens just now laying together in a huddle in their run outside. It isn't cold here, and they have food and water. Is this a sign of sickness or are they just being plain ol' lazy right now? They've never done this before and I am a new chicken keeper (and overly...
  5. R

    Poorly chick, 6 weeks

    I’ve got a poorly chick who’s roughly 6 weeks now. To start with he became quite lazy but was still eating and drinking just not as much, he had blood in his poo also so after advice I treated him for coocidosis, he still has 2 days left of the course but is worse than ever today. Always...
  6. olivia1649

    Rooster: is he lazy or sick?

    Hope this is in the right place. Penelope my only rooster (he was a surprise, so excuse the girl name!) constantly lies down to eaither eat scratch or poop, and he’s the only one I’ve noticed doing it. He doesn’t seem lethargic, is crowing non stop and loves running really fast when he gets to...
  7. orangesplash

    My mottled Japanese is sick like this

    what should i do about this chick. its bottom seems swollen. im treating it with antibiotics and painkillers. please help. the youtube video link is pasted here.
  8. Henrybelle

    Is there someone familiar with raising light Brahma

    I got questions on their behavior I’ve asked around before but maybe the right users weren’t on. I have a 5 week old LB and curious about behavior she seems very lazy I know they are a very docile breed but don’t know to what extent. While the other girls are busy scratching and foraging away...
  9. Henrybelle

    Light Brahma chick behavior

    I currently have 2 black sexlinks 1 barred rock 1 buff Orpington 1 red sexlink 1 Americana 1 silver laced Wyandotte and 1 light Brahma. My question is for those familiar with light brahmas. Are they generally less energetic than other breeds? My “teddy” is so laid back she/he doesn’t really...
  10. Dani & Mikey

    Lazy or something more?

    Ok, friends, talk me through this. Are my chickens just tired/lazy from a full day yesterday or should I be concerned? They had a very full day yesterday including their first free range field trip, and learning about the awful terrible lawn mower. They had a good day and were all happy at the...
  11. chicken singer

    Recumbent chickens

    Hello chicken community, A couple months ago I posted a forum regarding one of my chickens being very lazy around the yard. What I thought had gone away has returned, and I am again concerned that something is very wrong with my hen. Cheeko is showing symptoms of being recumbent. She will stand...
  12. B

    My Chicken is Becoming Increasingly Lethargic

    Hello and thanks for helping! I acquired four chickens when I purchased this house a few months back and the large white one who previously ran the coop has become extremely, um, lazy. She will make it in and out of the coop every day and occasionally walk the pen but generally she just sits...
  13. ThreeDogFarm

    Guineas have become lazy

    We have five male guineas. One is three years old and the others are two. This summer they have become very lazy. They spend a lot of time laying in the driveway or in the shade instead of foraging the property as they have done in the past. They make a couple quick loops around the house each...
  14. dakrazyk

    (URGENT) Hen cannot stand/walk good and is very lathargic

    My hen has been acting strange for a few days, she has trouble walking, doesn't want to eat or drink by herself, hasn't laid eggd, etc. I checked for symptoms of Marek's and she doesn't seem to have it, as its been a few days since shes acting up. I have been feeding her yogurt with crushed up...
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