leg stuck straight

  1. W

    Slipped tendon?

    This chick hatched about 8 hours ago. One of the legs is stuck up. It is trying to stand and cannot. Is there a way to fix this? The toes are all fully developed.
  2. L

    3 week old Chick can't walk.

    I have 3 baby chick's one isn't doing so well. She's an ameraucana. On Thursday night I noticed she wasn't moving I removed her from her shared brooder. I gave her raw yellow yolk until I could get her some electolytes and vitamin supplements. I started her on the supplements Friday morning. She...
  3. T

    Injured leg

    I found my chicken at the bottom of the ramp leading to the coop. Her leg was splayed out and she was not mobile. I’ve separated her and she is eating and drinking, but can’t put any weight on her leg or move around. I see no misshapen bones, her leg isn’t crooked; she just can’t seem to bend it...
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