
In the Brooder
Aug 29, 2020
I have 3 baby chick's one isn't doing so well. She's an ameraucana. On Thursday night I noticed she wasn't moving I removed her from her shared brooder. I gave her raw yellow yolk until I could get her some electolytes and vitamin supplements. I started her on the supplements Friday morning. She showed signs of improvement, she started to eat and drink more but she still couldn't stand. This morning on Saterday I noticed her left leg sticking out completely. She's not bending it or moving it. The other leg also sticks out but she moves it. She still falls backwords but she can hold herself up. She's 3 weeks old her brooder is 86° was in the 90s before. She was fine the first 2 weeks we had her. She walked normally she ate. Currently she's eating her grit and is eating medicated chick food again. She's pooping and the constancy changes from a dull brown with white to a carmel color. A large amount of droppings come out in one sitting. Her vent is clean but it looks swollen so I removed the original bedding and put clean t shirts. I still let the other chick's see her from time to time but they peck at her since she's smaller. The other chicks are diffrent breeds, they are much larger then her even though they were born 3 days apart. She started to chirp again and does it when the other two do it. I'll answer any questions you guys have. I tried to put in as much information as I can. Please help I'm a first time owner and just want to help her. Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling.
is she feeding and drinking? wats her poo look like? i dont know why but i'm thinking spayed legs but i'm not an expert. what do you think @Wyorp Rock you seem to be the right expert to call upon lol.
. She's eating and drinking normally now, thursday she couldn't she started to peck at her food on Friday night. She's eating normally now, I have to crush her food though. Her poop looks normal. It looks just like the other chicks. Brown to Carmel color.
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I have 3 baby chick's one isn't doing so well. She's an ameraucana. On Thursday night I noticed she wasn't moving I removed her from her shared brooder. I gave her raw yellow yolk until I could get her some electolytes and vitamin supplements. I started her on the supplements Friday morning. She showed signs of improvement, she started to eat and drink more but she still couldn't stand. This morning on Saterday I noticed her left leg sticking out completely. She's not bending it or moving it. The other leg also sticks out but she moves it. She still falls backwords but she can hold herself up. She's 3 weeks old her brooder is 86° was in the 90s before. She was fine the first 2 weeks we had her. She walked normally she ate. Currently she's eating her grit and is eating medicated chick food again. She's pooping and the constancy changes from a dull brown with white to a carmel color. A large amount of droppings come out in one sitting. Her vent is clean but it looks swollen so I removed the original bedding and put clean t shirts. I still let the other chick's see her from time to time but they peck at her since she's smaller. The other chicks are diffrent breeds, they are much larger then her even though they were born 3 days apart. She started to chirp again and does it when the other two do it. I'll answer any questions you guys have. I tried to put in as much information as I can. Please help I'm a first time owner and just want to help her. Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling. View attachment 2311763
I don't think it's splay leg. Maybe neurological?
I would try giving her vitamins. @Wyorp Rock any ideas?
Sorry about your chick :hugs
I don't think it's splay leg. Maybe neurological?
I would try giving her vitamins. @Wyorp Rock any ideas?
Sorry about your chick :hugs
Currently I'm giving her some electrolytes and supplement booster, the mixture suggests 1 teaspoon per gallon of water. Is it safe to up the amount? She's only been on it a day and she has improved. Thank you, I hope she pulls through. :fl
Currently I'm giving her some electrolytes and supplement booster, the mixture suggests 1 teaspoon per gallon of water. Is it safe to up the amount? She's only been on it a day and she has improved. Thank you, I hope she pulls through. :fl

i would not go over the recommended dosage as it could be toxic in large doses.
like vitamin A in humans can cause dizzyness and even death. in proper doses things are ok.
its even more so in small animals. don't want to shock their system.
Currently I'm giving her some electrolytes and supplement booster, the mixture suggests 1 teaspoon per gallon of water. Is it safe to up the amount? She's only been on it a day and she has improved. Thank you, I hope she pulls through. :fl
Could you post a picture of the supplement packaging? Is it made for poultry?
No problem, I hope so as well!

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