mauve orpington?

  1. kurby22

    Guess the breed? Mix or pure bred? :-D

    I have a challenging one here! I bought 10 chicks from a breeder and she had her pure bred Orpington chicks in with her accidental mixed breed hatch (escaped hen went and got herself knocked up by 3-4 Roos while she was on vacation!). Because so many of them are similar coloring as babies, she...
  2. B

    Possible Orpingtons - need help identifying

    We bought some chickens off Facebook but they don't seem like what they were identified as: 1 female & 1 male blue buff columbian orpington 1 female & 1 male cuckoo orpington 1 male cream legbar (not pictured because we figured him out) 1 female & 1 male mauve/chocolate/black orpington We have...
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