
  1. The Pink Place

    The Pink Place

    The Pink Place I've really needed to build a new coop lately, since we've acquired more hens and it got quite cold for a little while (I know they are fine out there but I just feel bad ), and then lastly, the coop we have now is extremely hard to collect eggs from, unnecessarily hard...
  2. Day One Of Coop Building

    Day One Of Coop Building

    Jan 8th, 2012 Today I started working on preparing the area that we will be dedicating to the flock. When we moved in, this back corner was already landscaped with several inches of mulch and that had to be removed. I have no idea what type of mulch it is and no clue if it's been treated or...
  3. parisbarbiedaisyandluna's Member Page

    parisbarbiedaisyandluna's Member Page

    My Adventures in Chickenhood! Once upon a time... I dreamt of having a farm! And I still do, every day of every year of my young life! I thirsted for a horses, goats, ducks, pigs. Anything. Luckily, on June 26th 2011, I finally settled with four beautiful 6 week old pullets! Well, maybe...
  4. My Coop And Run

    My Coop And Run

    My Coop Build and Run in Photos It started with the frame. My youngest likes to help. Floor in. Now for the walls and nest box. Roof and doors. A couple of older fledglings! That's the last time he will want to to go in there. :lau The finished Coop and Run. Just need to put some...
  5. Pasturedlayers97


    We got into raising chickens to provide our local community with great tasting eggs that are healthy alternatives to large scale egg production. After extensive research, we decided to follow the "pasture raised" idealogy with our chickens. Here are pictures of our chicken trailer. These...
  6. The Coop 25

    The Coop 25

    After searching and searching, I finally decided to use the basic design supplied by Purina, and added some modifications. You can find the original plans here: Here are pics of the floor with uprights...
  7. JJ Hen Hut's Member Page

    JJ Hen Hut's Member Page

    The Hen Hut This is the story of how we built our chicken coop. Many thanks to the contributers to Backyard Checkens who provided such great ideas to assist us in our design and construction, especially "The Feater Factory" by Littlefeat, "The Red Roost Inn" by nwmud, and the "Wichita Cabin...
  8. Chknfrmrs Member Page

    Chknfrmrs Member Page

    Gramps Chicken Coop In April of 2010, I built a chicken coop with a temporary run and purchased 15 Chickens from a local grower. They were a mix of Rhode Island Reds and Americaunas. It turns out that there were only six hens. I kept the six hens (4 - RIRs and 2 Ameri.) and one rooster...
  9. querimonious's Member Page

    querimonious's Member Page

    Chickadoodle Heights A year ago my partner and I moved to our new dream home in Keighley, West Yorkshire, England. When viewing the house one of the first things I saw was the garden and I fell in love! It also had bedrooms etc. but really the garden was what sold it :) So having moved in...
  10. Nobarcoss Member Page

    Nobarcoss Member Page

    Here is a rough picture that I created of more or less of what I want. Not sure if it will come out like this but I'll give it a go. Now here is my make shift brooder. Yah, I know it is a dog kennel but its working out great! And here are my little girls starting at 12 o'clock Ginger...
  11. Georgiahens Member Page

    Georgiahens Member Page

    Our chicken coop construction soo far Hubby working on the coop nesting boxes and how we built them inside view a view from the outside of the nesting boxes and here is hubby putting on the siding h Here is some of the painting ive done so far on the coop want to make it appear...
  12. Jacksdad3s Member Page

    Jacksdad3s Member Page

    Greetings from southern New Hampshire where I have become the general contractor to a group of 11 pullets. It is nice to know that my 41 years of engineering and 32 years of soldiering aren't wasted! Below is a picture of my customers, taken a couple of weeks ago. They have filled out...
  13. ourcoop


    OUR CHICKEN COOP PROJECTThe StoryMy DH and I decided to get some chickens because I like animals, and he likes to be self-sufficient. Isn't that just the story of our lives? Anyhow, we wanted to build a chicken coop ourselves because we thought it would be cheaper. In the end, this thing was a...
  14. Woodcox Acre's Member Page

    Woodcox Acre's Member Page

    New Woodcox Acre Coop I have been trying to talk my husband into building me a chicken coop for some time, he just kept saying it would cost to much. Then one day my neighbor told me of someone who was moving and could not take his chickens with him and wanted to sell his small coop and...
  15. FalcoOat's Member Page

    FalcoOat's Member Page

    Our Fargo, ND Coop Project We were thrilled when we found out that our city allowed chickens. Of course after almost finishing our coop we received a visit from our developer with a list of covenants we were unaware of. It looks like we will have to change our colors, and then probably go to...
  16. Lovinmynewchickss Member Page

    Lovinmynewchickss Member Page

    We decided this Spring that we wanted a few chickens. At first, I thought we would get 10 - 12. But when I started looking a mail-ordering, the minimum was usually 25 (or the shipping was so much, it cost the same even if you ordered fewer). So 25 it is. As their delivery date drew closer...
  17. Hodawg's Member Page

    Hodawg's Member Page

    Welcome to Hodawg's Chicken Page Home of "Right Wing Chickens" Mrs. Hodawg & I pick up the new chicks on Thursday, 01 Dec 2011. The coop is built, the run is 75% complete, and the brooder is set up and ready for the little biscuit fillers. More pics will follow soon.... 01 Dec...
  18. The Coop 17

    The Coop 17

    2011-06-25 The Shed Arrives from Lancaster, Pennsylvania! After drawing a design, figuring lumber, getting prices and realizing there was not a lot of time before the chicks got too big for the fish tank, we decided to buy pre-built 10X12' shed from the Amish. With delivery it costs...
  19. Chicken Coop 9

    Chicken Coop 9

    I didn't expect my husband to say yes to chickens but out of the blue this year, he did! I think he was hoping that he'd have a little more time before any actually arrived at our house but unfortunately for him, my friend gave me 5 chicks that week. We set them up in our living room in make...
  20. Coop 2

    Coop 2

    wacky professor's coop #2 - "The Convent of St. Gall (patron saint of birds)" Even more hygienic and efficient than the first one, built under a treehouse at my ex-wife's house. *Built on the "Great American Steppes" (a/k/a the Great Plains) where frequent high winds, violent thunderstorms...
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