mille fleur d'uccle bantam

  1. brittanycuster94

    What gender and Breed?

    so I bought these chicks three Saturdays ago. I know my local tractor supply receive them on that Thursday so they’re like three weeks and two days old the two blackish ones are supposedly blue Australorps, but they look to me how my plymouth barred rock looked, so now I’m confused did they mess...
  2. Father Time closeup portrait

    Father Time closeup portrait

  3. Father Time

    Father Time

  4. topochico225

    Hatching Mille Fleur D'uccles, so excited!

    Hey y'all! I'm setting 12 D'uccle eggs this coming week in my 'bator, and I'm so excited! I love bantams, but D'uccles are one of my favorite breeds! I had a couple questions: When can you sex them/how can you sex them? It's illegal where I live to have roosters. What's their temperament...
  5. Father Time

    Father Time

  6. Father Time

    Father Time

    Possibly my favorite photo I've taken so far of Father Time
  7. Father Time

    Father Time

  8. Father Time

    Father Time

  9. Father Time

    Father Time

  10. Mille fleur hen

    Mille fleur hen

  11. millefleur.jpg


    Mille fleur hen in the outside coop
  12. millefleurjpg


    Mille fleur hen
  13. M

    Chicken Mama from SW CT!

    Hi Everyone! I'm a Mama to my first flock of 6, 4 Easter Eggers, and 2 Bantams, a Porcelain D'uccle and a Mille Fleur. They are about 22 weeks, and so far, four are laying. I never thought chickens could be so much fun, with their unique personalities. They have become like my therapy animals...
  14. J

    Pullets or cockerels? Sexing 3 week old bantams.

    Hello, amazing chicken community!!! 🐥 My name is Jasmine & I am new and VERY excited to be here! I was wondering if any of you could help me figure out if these are pullets or cockerels. They are both 23 days old and to me, they are definitely looking a bit more like cockerels than pullets. But...
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