
  1. apryl29

    Anyone missing a pigeon - PEORIA, AZ

    I saw this article on the news site & figured it was worth a shot to post it here. I don't live in AZ, but thought the owner might be a BYC member & would recognize their bird. https://fox8.com/2018/11/18/bedazzled-pigeon-found-near-phoenix-search-underway-for-owner/ Photo from article: The...
  2. L

    The mistery of the white chicken

    This is my first time posting in here so I apologize if this happens to be in the wrong section. So yesterday my mother found a white chicken outside our yard with a deep wound below one of her wings, so deep she had one of her organs exposed which after some research around i figured it would...
  3. izzyshens

    A Happy Ending to a Lost Hen Story

    Hi everyone! I wanted to share what I think is truly a miracle. My Rhode Island Red, Daisy, went missing six days ago. We were all at work, and when everyone came home there were only the other two hens and three giant piles of feathers. We were devasted. We were convinced a fox had eaten her...
  4. N

    Missing flock!!! Help please

    We were away from 10days, but had our neighbors tending our flock-who own 15 chickens of their own, and have for 5yrs. They called us while away and said it looked like there were some feathers in the grass, but no flesh/body/blood. There was one chicken, out of our 8, on the roof of my car...
  5. EasterEggerEthan

    The Not so Fantastic Mr Fox (?)

    So we’ve lost two hens the past two days, and I’m certain it’s a predator and not heat stroke because hen number two is literally nowhere to be found. Three tiny white feathers on the opposite side of the fence. I’m assuming it’s a fox, simply because the last possum we had around here (that I...
  6. Barb Root Hinkkanen

    Lucy is MIA

    Our pretty girl, Lucy, a very happy RIR has gone missing. Her sister is still here. I feel pretty certain she is brooding somewhere. She did it once before, but, right by the house under a bush, so I was able to find her. She has been missing now for three days. We have sent out three search...
  7. K

    Missing Kits!!! URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey, I have a mini Rex doe that just had her 2nd litter about 2 weeks ago (first litter was totally fine). When they where a few days old I counted five and left them alone in the nesting box. The next day I counted four I just thought that I miscounted or something because the dropping pan and...
  8. weeboing

    UPDATED: Chicks Missing in Transit

    I ordered chicks from Ideal Poultry and they were shipped on Tuesday. I called today because the post office still has not received them. The last tracking scan was in Texas on Tuesday so no one has any idea where they are... :( While I am sure that Ideal will make it right for me, I am...
  9. ColleenRyan

    Will My Mallard Come Back? :(

    hi guys, I’ve already posted a few times about how my male mallard got loose at night and we found him missing Monday morning (4/9). Something had seemed to have been stealing / raging eggs I hadn’t found in our yard. We live in NJ in a suburban area and I raised three ducks together, one...
  10. ColleenRyan

    UPDATE: My Mallard Is Missing

    Hi guys! Tonight I put up about 90 flyers in the area and got a call from a man who said he saw him about a mile from the house at a Home Depot flying low and taking breaks, walking. He thought it was odd because he was alone. He ended up flying towards a stream that spans a few townships but...
  11. ColleenRyan

    Will My Mallard Come Home?

    i posted earlier about how I thought something happened with my male Mallard. After searching my backyard even more I see no sign of struggle or harm, just an open hutch door and a few missing eggs (I’m assuming my dogs wouldn’t have found / been interested in all of a sudden eating those eggs)...
  12. C

    One Eyed Brown Leghorn Chick

    I've had this chick for roughly a week and I've noticed her right eye is missing. Her beak is fine and doesn't appear to be having any other problems, however I was hoping to get any advice on caring for her that I can. That goes for immediate or preventive action. I can post a picture of her...
  13. Bird momma of 5


    We are new to Chickens and EVERYTHING that comes with it. My Polish has been "suffering" for the last 2 weeks. He started with a "March walk" , now it toes are curled, if he stands us he is wobbly, he can barley walk and more so than not, his legs slide from him. My husband took him to the...
  14. Chicken has no beak

    Chicken has no beak

    I thought I'd share this with the community. Sometimes the chickens don't go into their nests at night and they roost up in the trees, which makes for some pretty interesting nights, running around in the dark, chasing off raccoons or whatever. One night, we heard a ruckus and blasted into the...
  15. AbbysSilkies

    Missing Guinea

    hey, y’all. Today we had a dog invasion; fortunately, the dogs were friendly and well trained, and aside from the little one getting in a coop and giving the hens a fright, nothing really happened, we just grabbed them and gave them some water while we tried to get their owner. The problem...
  16. ChickenMannR

    My Muscovy Disappeared!! HELP!!

    So, today, we were going about our daily business, as you do, when we noticed one of our Muscovy Ducks, Elvis (my favorite) was gone. Our first thought was coyotes, as we've had many birds lost to them, but after checking everywhere for about 10 minutes, we came up with nothing, no blood...
  17. EliyaSage

    Missing Chicken Problems!!!

    Alright.. We had 8 chickens as of two days ago. The day before yesterday we walked outside and suddenly had 5. In the apast We've had the rare dead chicken every once in awhile, once we found evidence one was taken from the coop by a small critter. Had 2 half grown chickies die, but that's not...
  18. IslaBean

    Fake Egg Goes Missing

    My hens are about 5 months old now and one of my girls just started laying the other day. My nesting boxes were previously empty and I just added some hay and put a ceramic, fake egg in one of them. The nesting boxes are also level with the floor. During the day, I let my hens free range and...
  19. HomeBirthMama

    Feathers missing mystery

    I have a Silkie rooster who is about 15 weeks old and is missing feathers on the back of his neck. I did look for mites and lice, but I don't see any. He has parts of a feathers, meaning he is not totally bare. One of the hens is starting to look like him, too. Any help would be appreciated.
  20. The Duck Mother

    Think ducks are eating incubating eggs, but why?!

    So one of our ducks, Mama, went broody about a week ago for the second time. She's an Ancona and was a great mother to her first clutch she hatched a few months ago. This time, she was sitting on 8 eggs. A couple days ago, I noticed there was only 7 eggs in the nest. And then today, there was...
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