neck feathers

  1. O

    Not An Emergency, But Something’s up

    My Americana pullet used to have the fluffiest little beard. Now she’s completely bald there. What could be the cause?
  2. H

    Bald chicken - advice needed

    Hi all My first time posting. I’ve recently rehomed some ex battery hens and they’ve all being doing really well in terms of fattening up a bit and growing healthy feathers. A few have had issues around their necks though, with one in particular who’s lost feathers all down her neck and chest...
  3. Gretaga

    Feathers missing from front of neck

    Feathers missing from front of neck for 2-3 months, treated 3x with permethrin in the last 2mos for poultry lice around vent, no improvement of neck, no more poultry lice around vent. No bugs visible on neck. No lifting of leg scales. No other chickens with missing feathers. Can’t tell if others...
  4. R

    Hen or Roo? Help, can someone identify my silkie?

    I am hoping some of you may be able to help me with a Silkie question. Basically I started with 3 silkies and a pilkie, 13 weeks old and in the knowledge that 1 was looking like a possible roo. They settled in well, the suspected roo started crowing and everything was fine. (No eggs yet). Then...
  5. E

    Plymouth Rock losing feathers around neck - what does this mean?

    Hi, I've noticed that my Plymouth rock is losing feathers around her neck. I searched up chicken bullying (as there are two other hens that live with her) and I saw that it typically meant pulling tail feathers out first. Because it was her neck feathers going, and she still has all her tail...
  6. O

    neck feathers lost together with weird screeching sounds

    One of my chickens lost most of its neck feathers (video attached). She is also making weird screeching sounds most of the day by extending her neck up in the air and letting out air. It almost looks like she is trying to crow. It sounds like a car brake. Until a few days ago she has been mostly...
  7. V

    Losing neck feathers - tried many treatments

    Hello, I'd love some help with one of my chickens. I live in Melbourne, Australia, and my chickens are free range during the day. One of my chickens been losing neck feathers for about 4 months. She's about 1 year 7 months old. I have already taken her to the vet - he found no cause (no lice...
  8. BuddyADucks

    New Roo

    I just picked up my new boy a few days ago. I'm new to chickens, mostly I've done ducks in the past, so trying to place this guy to a breed has been a challenge; didn't know there were so many chicken breeds. I thought he might have been a rock since he's black and white speckled but when I...
  9. V

    Peahens first baby .. next steps .. help required

    Hi New to the forum, I've searched the internet to find out some information about our situation but I only seem to find peacock info .. We came to a house that had 3 males and 2 females 2 years ago.. 1 male went missing a year ago and one female was killed by a fox in June. Our remaining...
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