new chickens

  1. A

    One new chicken won't leave the coop

    I got two hens Sunday both 6-7 months old. One has definitely taken the role of dominant and been aggressive towards the other although I didn't work too much about it since I know they need to establish a pecking order. But now the submissive one has taken refugee in the coop and refuses to...
  2. Layke

    How old is this chicken?

    Hi all, Would anyone be able to tell me if they think this chicken is more than a year old? Or older? I think I was duped by a chicken breeder who told me the two chickens I bought were less than 6 months old. They were supposed to be laying already and I haven't seen an egg yet. It's been a...
  3. L

    HELP! My chicken won't stop attacking the new chickens!

    Hi! I am new to raising chickens; we got our first girls (plus a duck!) in April of this year. They have been doing well and have been in an outside coop since around June. We got another set of babies in August of this year. They were ready to go outside this month, so we got another coop that...
  4. Bagdad Chicken Mom

    My New 2017 "Girls"-Hens

    Love my new 2017 "girls"- Americana hens, Barred Rock hens, & Golden Comet hens! Started with 10 of each breed. Placed them into the new chicken coop at about 2 months old & a predator got 5 Golden Comets. I fought back against the predators and I had my husband put my blue tin all the way...
  5. Grace birds

    Introducing 8 week old pullets to the flock

    Hello, hope I posted in the right thread, seemed like the best option. I have 3 18 week old hens and 1 18 week old rooster. they are in there coop and true free range from 9am until sundown most days and they return to their coop at night. however! I am picking up 2 8week old pullets today and I...
  6. dwgov

    Back in the Game

    Hey everyone. My name is Dave and I live in Southern New Jersey. Been out of touch for a while. This has always been one of my favorite sites on the web. Anyway, I had a flock of 30 until last Summer. I had to have a knee replacement that really went bad infected twice. left me incapacitated for...
  7. R

    Merging 2 established flocks!?

    I have an established flock of 6 month old silver laced wyandottes (13) and my cousin is taking a job in south Texas, so I am inheriting her flock of chickens (number she'll bring, unknown, but guessing at least 8) these chickens are no certain breed, they've all inter-bread. But- these chickens...
  8. C

    Starting out...I'm overwhelmed!!

    Hi, My name is Amy Carveth. We live in a suburb outside of Denver, CO. Our family is looking to raise chickens in our backyard. We have a small coop that we are told would fit 3 chickens comfortably. My youngest daughter is 8 and she is nuts about all living creatures. She is looking...
  9. Chicken007

    Introducing new hens to 2 chickens

    Hi there it's been a long time! I've had my current chickens for 3 years now but unfortunately one of my hens died last week. I am now left with just 2 chickens and literally just built a brand new coup for my hens the other week (typical!) I'm now looking to add 2 new chickens to my old ones...
  10. Makjordan

    Hello from the PNW

    Hey all, My name is makayla I am from the north west. And I am new to raising chickens of my own!! I have joined becuase it is important that I raise my chickens to be happy and healthy. This is a good way to learn and hear from more experienced than I Am!
  11. Chickenunsernam

    Cheating Hierarchical scale????

    Hi everyone, So I've just gotten a new hen (she's a bit young) (Her name is Paulina) and I want her to explore the yard and eat and scavenge and do chicken stuff you know? I figured she would fit right in but NONE of the hens seem to like her and keep bullying her so much that she goes and...
  12. G

    after treating coccidiosis

    Looking for advice. I received 4 young hens (10 weeks old) from my neighbor. She had already mixed the young ones with her old ones. We're putting our 4 new ones in a separate run until they get a little bigger. A day later we noticed one of them had blood in her stool. We gave that one back...
  13. maritarenee

    Where to buy new chickens in PA

    Hi, I'm in Pennsylvania about 30 minutes from king of Prussia. I'm looking to get about 6 new chicks and hoping to buy local. I always go to a great place in Jersey, but I'm not into the ride. Does anyone know a place I could buy low quantity and hopefully different breeds?
  14. TxAg11

    How to make new pullets less skittish around me?

    We had a flock we had raised from chicks and they loved us and were constantly climbing all over us and visiting us whenever we are out in the yard. Then we had a dog-related disaster and our flock got rediced to 2, so to keep the 2 remaining girls company (AFTER I redesigned their enclosure to...
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