new member introduction

  1. B

    New Member North Florida

    Hello all! I'm a new member living in the Florida Panhandle. Its been a crazy couple of years for me, what started out with 3 hens that I was "Temporarily" Chicken sitting; has become a flock of 33. I'm happy to be here and eager to learn.
  2. Triola Peeps

    Hey y'all!

    New members here! I'm Atlas, (he/him,) my wife is Coley, (she/her,) we're from the Southern United States, and we have 5 new little babes! We're not new to chickens, but these are our first together! I grew up with 15 hens, (and two ducks,) and Coley's grandparents had some, but she never had...
  3. 3


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? A: My wife and I are brand new to chickens but we are a month and a half in to successfully raising chicks! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? A: We have 12, ranging from 1.5 months old to 2 weeks old. (3) What breeds...
  4. KathiQuacks

    Hello from a not-so-new member!

    Hello BYC! :frow I’m not actually a new member, but back when I first joined, I never made a, “New Member Introduction,” so I figured I’d make one now! Hi! My name’s Kathi! Some of you may’ve seen me around recently. I actually joined in May of 2022, but wasn’t very active back then. I returned...
  5. Blud


    We've been raising chickens for about 9 months now, still learning a lot but we love them so much. We currently have 6 Easter Egger Hens who started laying in December and two Silkie Roos, one a Splash and the other Pure Black. We just added three Black Sex Linked Pullets and a little...
  6. B

    Hi, I'm Bill and I had a small bit of USDA egg info, so I shared it on a thread about eggs.

    We were making eggs for breakfast, one of them was cloudy, so I searched for info about that and found the USDA page saying cloudy is a sign of freshness, clear is slightly aged, and pink or pearly is a sign of bacteria...
  7. H

    Hello from Northern BC, Canada

    Hello All, I'm very happy I'm stumbled across this forum! After many many years of working our butts off my husband and I finally bought our property this past summer and next spring we will slowly start our farm by adding the gateway animal, chickens! I don't even have them yet and I'm...
  8. Indie500

    Shiny and New!

    Hi! My name is Vivi. I've watched from afar for a while and finally decided to join in to give back and scoop up a duck...or two. I've had chickens before and sadly had to say goodbye to my last sweet rooster, the gentle old man that he was. Now I raise and train ducks for therapy and...
  9. G

    Introduction :D

    Hello! I joined BYC to meet fellow chicken enthusiasts, learn more about chickens, and to ask questions I have 15 chickens in total but I only know what breed a few actually are. I don't quite remember when I got my first batch, it seems like they have been part of my life forever. I can't...
  10. A

    Hi, just joined!

    Hey, I just joined. I've been idly browsing this site for a bit now, and I kinda just decided to join. I've just recently gotten into poultry, as my parents decided to just make their own eggs. I've got seven chickens and two turkeys, the turkeys personally being my personal favorites. Recently...
  11. Burnt Brass Homestead

    Hey everyone…Burnt Brass Homestead here!!

    Hi...I am from the NE tri-state area. I have moved from a major city to a rural area to raise livestock and grow food. We typically have on hand 10 layers and 1 rooster. Each year we order about 100 hundred male Cornish Cross meat birds (50 at a time) to feed our family (and some guests) for the...
  12. Bang

    Greetings from Virginia

    Hello all. I'm new to both keeping chickens and to forum posting. I recently got chicks 5 weeks ago. 3 buff orpingtons, 3 ameraucana, 2 isa, and 2 rhode island red. My only regret thus far is not getting into this sooner. As far as hobbies I enjoy, cooking, downhill longboarding, as well as...
  13. C

    New Member Introduction 🐣

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? — I am new, yes! A bantum hen and silkie-appearing roo made their way into my yard. None of the neighbors in my area have chickens, so I kept them. Hen made a nest in my laundry room. I built her and her mate a coop, and it’s been...
  14. Australorpfamily

    Hi new member finally

    Hi all, finally a member after reading for a few years (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Not exactly new, but not exactly seasoned lol. Had a 4H rooster for three years-inside, feather legged vantan, bearded Belgium De'Uccle, he died of old age at 6.5 years old. We...
  15. Snugglesandwigglespetcare

    New Chicken Momma🐥

    Hey everyone! Thrilled to have a wonderful community of chicken lovers🤗 After being scammed out of $175🤨, I have been able to find reputable places to get the chick breeds I wanted and have experienced the wild world of chicken math🤪 I now have 4 pullets-one is of laying age. 4-4- week old...
  16. S

    A new member appears!

    Heyo~ Snow Briar here. I've been using this site and it's threads for a while now, sure has helped me out with problems I've faced being a new chicken owner. Thanks everyone! My family has been raising chickens for well on two years now. We started out with Sapphire Gems and got ourselves a...
  17. Ittybittyschmidtie

    New excited member! In search of good advice and tips

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Hello, I am new to the chicken world. I recently just purchased 10 chicks. 5 cinnamon queens and 5 Easter eggers. I am thinking about adding 5 more of the speckled sussex. They have not arrived yet, they will be here march 31st (2)...
  18. balkflock

    New Member!

    Hey all, my name is Leah and I live here in northeast Texas! I’ve had my first flock of chickens for about two years now. I have eight Barred Rocks, and a duck. I love having fresh, healthy eggs every morning. One thing that has helped our flock stay happy and healthy all year long is fermenting...
  19. H

    New member!

    Hey! I’m Henvolio- get the reference?- I’m a young chicken keeper from North Carolina, U.S.A., I’ve been keeping chickens for around four/five years now, and have known about this website for a while now as well, I just haven’t joined! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get...
  20. thoth1990

    Hello From Florida

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I was fortunate enough to get some hens at the start of this year, I have nine hens and they are almost all laying eggs. I have a mix of breeds, mostly to get a feel for the individual sets of behaviors and egg laying capabilities...
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