
  1. K

    Duckling with Niacin deficiency treatable?

    Hi Everybody, I am new to raising ducks and have 4 Rouen ducklings. Three are growing quickly However one seems to have a niacin deficiency. I have been adding brewers yeast to their food for a couple days but it's legs don't seem to be getting better. Will the niacin fix his already developed...
  2. Bettyboop7499

    Raising Ducklings with Chicks & Niacin...

    Hello BYC! I am raising four Pekin ducks with my 15 combination breed chicks. It has been going 'swimmingly', they all get along, groom, eat, drink, snuggle together. I've notice some bowing in one of the ducklings legs so I've just read they need ore niacin than chicks. I've been feeding them...
  3. Aliamelody

    feel hopeless-what should i Do?

    hi there are a few days i started the cures of Gerdoo s niacin deficiency But i dont feel any changes i feel even worst whats your Idea? (sorry i couldnt rotate pictures) Before: After: i bought niacin 25 mg and put into 1 litr water on a day now i Took 4 tablets of 10 tablets And...
  4. WhiteSilver

    How to rehab bad leg from niacin deficiency?

    I know this topic is pretty common on here, but I can’t seem to find the exact answer I’m looking for. I started with four Pekin ducks (two male, two female) from Tractor Supply and always kept them together. The one male-female pair seemed to grow up fine and we eventually took them to a local...
  5. carlyducks

    Duckling's leg shaking/tums?

    My 4 week old indian runner duckling's legs started trembling last weak very badly. she can only stand for about 25 seconds and then her legs shake so bad that she needs to lay down.. Other than that she eats, drinks, and does everything else just fine and seems happy and healthy.. I have been...
  6. cajun41887

    Will this work for niacin for ducklings?

    Questions on niacin for ducklings. We have Pekins who are 3 days old. Having trouble finding niacin for them. How much do i give and for how long? Im feeding chick starter unmedicated 20% as no duck feed available here. Will switch to all flock when older. Found this at tractor supply. Will it...
  7. Gemduckmum

    Where to buy immediate release niacin in the uk?

    I’m really struggling to find immediate release niacin. I bought some from Holland and Barrett but I think they’re the timed release type, can I still give my ducks that? I’ve noticed one of my runners has developed shaky legs sometimes so I’m putting brewers yeast on their food but I’d like to...
  8. fe0208

    2 week old duckling issues

    Today my ducks turned two weeks old! One of them is noticably larger than the other two and it looks like she has some trouble walking. She takes a few steps and drops back down. I was adding Brewers yeast to their food but switched to a crushed tablet of niacin. I've gone back to the yeast...
  9. C

    Crippled Duck

    Hey everyone! So my family recently bought 4 baby ducklings for the first time. A few days later though and the one that at first seemed to be the strongest, could barely move. He was lying on his side and not doing much, and for about a week stopped developing/growing. We started giving him...
  10. GracieJ

    Duck and duckling calcium/niacin needs

    I’ve looked at other posts about duck and duckling’s needs when it comes to calcium and niacin but there’s conflicting information and I thought it best to ask on a new thread - hope that’s okay! So I have two call ducks, one Drake, one hen 8/9 months old: when Myrtle was laying she was getting...
  11. BriiBaer

    Niacin for Adult Duck

    I have a Pekin that has limped his whole life. It seems to be getting slightly worse. I have heard Niacin works wonders. I am just not sure what kind to get or how to give it to him. They all drink out of the same water source. Has anyone ever had experience with this? -BriiBaer Paulus'...
  12. onaharley

    Niacin question

    As adults, do ducks need niacin supplements everyday? I understand as they are growing they need it daily... but I'm wondering if they still need it as adults?
  13. Luke P

    Aylesbury duck has a twisted back...

    hey all, poor little jemima never seems to catch a break! she started with pigeon toes which has since cleared up with a diet of increased niacin. but as of the last couple days ive begun noticing that she walks with almost a sideward curve in her back..... she can still run and doesnt...
  14. reggblue

    Niacin sources for ducklings

    I can't get brewers yeast in this town. My accidental ducklings (8) need the niacin. Sunflower seeds are high in Niacin but can they eat them once shelled and mashed? There are so many life events happening in my life that I have precious few hours to spend online. I wish I had the time to...
  15. SaeruhMariee

    Duckling with leg/foot abnormalities

    I had an egg hatch yesterday and the little guy was a bit behind the others. His feet are balled up into "fists" and his legs are straight out behind him. He can't walk, just scoot by pushing forward with his legs. He's active and eating and drinking. Honestly, I wasn't sure he would make it...
  16. 3bird

    Are we ready to brood our first ducks?!

    Well....7-8 weeks seemed so far off, but today is the day we bring the recently hatched, 6 or 7 silver appleyards home! Here is our brooder set-up. Do we look ready? To be honest we are the most nervous about providing them water in a way that is both not too messy and makes it easy for them to...
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