no discharge

  1. B

    Potential respiratory issue (rails &cough) after deworming?

    Hello everyone, I had a worm overload in my flock, so I’ve been treating with fendbendazole, all the birds that were lethargic and had swollen crops are no longer swollen and definitely show more energy. Today however, my buff Orpington/cross roo was sneezing/coughing. His head was in the oyster...
  2. Susie Seagrave

    Swollen Eyelids

    I have a small flock of 5 hens and my five year-old girl, Pea, has developed slightly swollen eyelids. She has her eyes closed much of the time, although when she opens them, her eyes are clear and she can peck up tiny insects, so there seems to be nothing wrong with her vision. I bathed her...
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