Susie Seagrave

8 Years
Jul 29, 2015
Aegina, Greece
I have a small flock of 5 hens and my five year-old girl, Pea, has developed slightly swollen eyelids. She has her eyes closed much of the time, although when she opens them, her eyes are clear and she can peck up tiny insects, so there seems to be nothing wrong with her vision. I bathed her eyes with bottled water for two days and after some research,this morning, with a saline solution. I don't know if this was a mistake. While bathing her eyes, I gave them a good check - there seems to be no foreign bodies causing irritation, so I am assuming it's an infection. She was laying until two days ago.

I have checked older threads about this problem on BYC and the advice is somewhat overwhelming. I have seen VetRX and Vetericyn mentioned as a soothing gel, and Terramycin, Tylan 50 and Baytril for an an infection. However, a key problem for me is that I live on a small Greek island. There is NO vetinerary care/expertise for poultry and any medication, which is basic and not always available or even specifically for poultry, comes from the pharmacy. As a result, I often need to know the active ingredient of any medication, as the pharmacy may have to supply/order a compatible product that's available in Greece. Bearing this in mind, I need some plain, clear advice as to what to do next! I'm going to the pharmacy this afternoon to see what they have available, but would welcome advice on what medication to use, what the problem could be, and opinions on whether my treatment thus far is correct. Pea is my oldest lady and the elder stateswoman of my little group. It's breaking my heart to see her in such discomfort. At the moment, the other girls haven't picked on her. These photos were all taken this morning.
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As far as an ointment for the eyes, you can use any antibiotic ointment or drops that are good for human conjunctivitis. Things like ciprofloxacin eye drops are excellent, or an eye ointment or drop (Neosporin-Bacitracin-Polymixin B, Erythromycin, or Terramycin.) I would use saline to wash the eyes, and apply a drop or ointment afterward twice a day. If there is pus, it must be removed.

But there may be a need for a systemic antibiotic if the eye swelling is due to a respiratory sinus infection. Baytril (enrofloxacin) or Ciprofloxacin would be good human drugs, and one of those would be my choice to use. Veterinary medicines, such as tylosin, tiamulin, or oxytetracycline are routinely used to treat chicken sinus infections, and would be good.

Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) is one of the most common respiratory diseases that causes eye swelling. But coryza or E.coli infection can also be common. With the latter 2 diseases a sulfa antibiotic may be used.
Does the hen have any respiratory symptoms that go along with her conjunctivitis or pinkeye? Is there any sneeze or cough, nasal secretions, wheezing or rattles when she breathes? Do you think she might have been pecked around her eyes by other chickens? Ammonia odors and poor air ventilation can cause eye symptoms as well.
Here is some info on MG in chickens: Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Infecti....pdf
Thanks for the info and your advice, Eggcessive! There isn't any wheezing when I pick her up and ther are no secretions at all. I actually clean nesting boxes and the droppings board every day, the house ventilation is good and there is no ammonia smell. She might have been pecked by one of the other girls (I have a suspect in mind!) but generally, they all get on well.
I do have a problem with bedding though. There is no straw available on the island - we don't have the right climate. I have always used dried pine needles, which I collect in bulk during th summer and which have worked brilliantly. But this winter, I ran out, so I have been using the last of my pine needles for nesting boxes as usual, and have had to use a combination of sharp sand as a base, with dried pine wood shavings over the top. It could have been a small shaving that went in her eye. I also worry about the dust, although the shavings are a decent size.
I went to the pharmacy yesterday. I got some Tobramycin gel and applied that last night. There seems to be some immediate improvement and I will apply it 3 times daily. The phramacist told me they also have Terramycin injectable, but to try the Tobramycin gel first and see. What do you think? Thanks so much for the links and for your help.... where would I be without BYC?!
I would try the Tobramycin eye ointment to see if it helps. It mostly treats gram negative bacteria such as fecal bacteria in the droppings, but it does not treat gram positive organisms, such as staph or mycoplasma. There are other eye drops and ointments that might help if that one does not. Ciprofloxacin is good if the tobramycin doesn’t help. It also comes in an oral medication.

I would check the eye and look for any pus in the eye socket. Clean any eye drainage or pus before putting the ointment in the eye. Let us know how she gets along.

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