old english bantams

  1. FlockFinderWest

    When can old English bantams leave the brooder

    Hello. I have several old English bantam chicks that are 6 weeks old. They are fully off of heat. They are pretty much fully feathered except for a bit of down on their heads. I heard they are more fragile than other chicks but I’d like to put them out. My average temps right now are 70 with...
  2. RossBantams

    Ross Bantams Introduction

    Hello all! Here is my introduction. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am not new to chickens, but I am still new-ish to ducks. I got my first chickens back in 2014. I started with a pair of Old English Game bantams. I then started showing birds. Once I went to...
  3. T_T_913

    New to this chicken thing

    I joined this group looking for small breed seramas and OE bantams. My kids love the small birds. Looking for all white seramas in the Kansas City area. Thanks!
  4. M

    How do genetics work for egg laying?

    Hi! If I have a Japanese Bantam Rooster that I breed with an Old English hen, will I get many eggs from the resulting hens that I hatch? Since OEB are prolific layers and JB only lay around 75 eggs per year, I wasn’t sure if the resulting daughters of this match would take after one parent or...
  5. Chikinlover223

    Hi, nice to meet you all!!

    Im from Long Island, New York and I have 17 hens, 11 old English bantams, 1 serama, 4 standard hens, 1 midsized hen a cross between a old English bantams and a copper Maran, and 5 old English bantam roosters. I’ve raised all of them from chicks except one of the old English bantam roosters...
  6. J

    Breed? Old English Bantams?

    These are 5 week old chicks from the bantam bin at rural King. Curious of the breed and color.
  7. D

    My OEG's are lagging behind, is this normal?

    I have a small mixed flock, one RIR, one cochin, one Dominique and two OEG crele all bantams. My first three all started laying this week but my OEG's don't even have full combs yet. Is this normal for that breed?
  8. Featherss

    Correct comb for Old English?

    I have a show tomorrow and I was wondering, what's the correct comb type for Old English? And, how can I tell if my rooster's comb is a dubbed single comb or a rose comb (Since some people cut it right above the head and others don't)?
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