
  1. C

    Deslorin hormonal implant treatment for internal layer?

    My older Buff Orpington is internally laying. This happened last summer and resolved itself over the darker winter months. It’s now happening again and much worse than before. Her abdomen is very swollen. My local vet did an ultrasound and identified round yolk-like shapes. She recommended I...
  2. W

    White leghorn death.. ovuduct impaction? Avian flu?

    Hello all, I hate to make a first post for this reason, but one of my girls passed this morning, and I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me figure out why? (I know nobody is going to be able to tell me exactly what happened, I’m just curious and pretty concerned. I wasn’t home over...
  3. L

    Water Belly or Oviduct Issue?

    Hi All, I would greatly appreciate any guidance on how to diagnose my hen's health issue properly. I noticed yesterday my one-year old barred rock was fighting with another hen (welsummer) while they were free-ranging yesterday, which is very unusual. The welsummer has mild bumblefoot which I...
  4. Wild--Star

    Surgery - Is It Worth It?

    My Isa Brown hen Ava is 3 years old. She has a mass of what might be hard eggs in her reproductive tract. She is doing okay so far and is acting normal despite the mass and has been for a while but the vet said it will eventually become life-threatening and if I want to prolong her life she...
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