pain in chicken

  1. ManOverBoard

    Pecked bleeding rump will she heal?

    Hey everyone! Our beloved Australorp x buff Orpington Lottie healed beautifully after having a prolapsed rump, however now a month or two later she's got trouble again. She came asking for help this morning when my husband noticed her bleeding backside. Our first thought was that she relapsed...
  2. L

    Mystery Foot Disease: Ever seen this?

    Hello friends! My 7-month-old Ameraucana has been limping and in pain. I checked her foot, and it was splitting at the creases with flaky/crusty skin at the toes. The ankles are clear. It looks almost looks like a "chicken's athlete's foot." Things I've Tried: 1. Carefully debriding...
  3. A

    Canker continues - Flagyl not working

    We have a small Brahma hen who developed very big canker lesions in her beak. I realised it only as she became quite lethargic, couldn't eat well and often opened and closed her beak. Took her to the vet 8 days ago, he confirmed diagnosis, removed the smelly cheesy bits from the beak, and gave...
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