Canker continues - Flagyl not working


Aug 7, 2021
We have a small Brahma hen who developed very big canker lesions in her beak. I realised it only as she became quite lethargic, couldn't eat well and often opened and closed her beak. Took her to the vet 8 days ago, he confirmed diagnosis, removed the smelly cheesy bits from the beak, and gave us Flagyl (Metronidazole) solution 1ml (45mg) per day for 5-10 days. He gave her some pain killer, too. She's skin and bones (770g) and has diarrhea.
No pigeons/ wild birds have access to our chickens' water but chickens are free range and drink from other water sources on the property.
Isolated her from others. She started eating again (only fresh minced meat, hard boiled egg, thawed corn kernels), which was encouraging. I gave her water with a syringe into the beak as she didn't seem to drink. Now 8 days on the lesions are coming back, and she hasn't eaten anything today, I've syringed water with added vitamins for chickens into her beak but last 2 days it seems to hurt her to swallow and now she's off food entirely. She has no reserves and vets are closed tomorrow... any ideas how I could:
a) reduce her pain so she can swallow more easily and
b) stop the canker given Flagyl doesn't seem to work and
c) get her to eat anything (and what) so she doesn't starve ?
Will try and take a photo of her tomorrow.
Please help urgently! 🙏🏻 I'm pretty new to chickens and your experience and help would be most appreciated!!!
Thanks so much!
Hi dawg53,

Thank you for your suggestion. I'd like to apologise for not having responded earlier. I couldn't get ACS here (I live in Australia) so ended up going to the vet again who prescribed another antibiotic Enrotril (Enroflaxin 10mg/ day) which seemed to help reduce the lesions. Her appetite came back on and off but still can only eat soft things like minced meat, soaked dried sultanas, pieces of chicken hearts, etc. I gave her the antibiotics for 10 days but her left cheek and under the beak remained swollen and she kept drooling. Constant diarrhea,too.
Found copper sulfate at a stock feeder place and prepared it with vinegar according to instructions, gave her that via syringe for 3 days. I felt the drooling got better. I let her join the small flock during daytime but she sleeps inside the house at night as it's winter and quite cold. I also treated the flock with the ACS as a preventative measure just in case.
Then given probiotics to help with diarrhea, worked sometimes. Also added natural remedies like garlic, vinegar, gotu kola, thyme, etc. and giving Meloxicam for pain relief. But swallowing is still getting harder for her and the swelling of the beak/ cheek on the left side, too. Almost like a tumor? I'm swabbing it with betadine/ iodine solution twice a day and put antibiotic ointment on but no improvement. I'm not sure what I'm dealing with? Any ideas? Photos attached.
I don't feel like we're going in the right direction. She's a pet chicken and the kids are very attached to her but the vet charges $80 each visit 🙈🙄 Thanks so much in advance!


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Hi dawg53,

Thank you for your suggestion. I'd like to apologise for not having responded earlier. I couldn't get ACS here (I live in Australia) so ended up going to the vet again who prescribed another antibiotic Enrotril (Enroflaxin 10mg/ day) which seemed to help reduce the lesions. Her appetite came back on and off but still can only eat soft things like minced meat, soaked dried sultanas, pieces of chicken hearts, etc. I gave her the antibiotics for 10 days but her left cheek and under the beak remained swollen and she kept drooling. Constant diarrhea,too.
Found copper sulfate at a stock feeder place and prepared it with vinegar according to instructions, gave her that via syringe for 3 days. I felt the drooling got better. I let her join the small flock during daytime but she sleeps inside the house at night as it's winter and quite cold. I also treated the flock with the ACS as a preventative measure just in case.
Then given probiotics to help with diarrhea, worked sometimes. Also added natural remedies like garlic, vinegar, gotu kola, thyme, etc. and giving Meloxicam for pain relief. But swallowing is still getting harder for her and the swelling of the beak/ cheek on the left side, too. Almost like a tumor? I'm swabbing it with betadine/ iodine solution twice a day and put antibiotic ointment on but no improvement. I'm not sure what I'm dealing with? Any ideas? Photos attached.
I don't feel like we're going in the right direction. She's a pet chicken and the kids are very attached to her but the vet charges $80 each visit 🙈🙄 Thanks so much in advance!
I’m treating a hen with canker at the moment to, canker medication is on its way as we speak but she has the same exact symptoms as your hen, swelling has moved to both cheeks and the canker is bugging her. We’re you able to treat your hen? If so what did you use?

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