
  1. E

    HUGE pallet coop plans needed! Want Starbucks?

    Hey Folks - I have 6 of these xl solid shipping pallets. We intend to stain with marine paint for durability. I'm willing to offer a $Starbucks card to anyone willing to draw up some architecture plans (we have to choose your design!) My flock, 15 birds, will free range (or be in a basic run)...
  2. LadyAchee

    Finished coop.

    Here is my new coop built from pallets and hardware cloth. I can finally stand up in my coop! Yay!!
  3. $10 upcycled pallet run and PVC door with neither glue nor metal hinges

    $10 upcycled pallet run and PVC door with neither glue nor metal hinges

    I've learned so much here, I figure its time I share something in case it helps someone else. So FWIW here you go.... I decided to build a run just until winter but being temporary I didn't want to spend money. The small city backyard has a decent slope running diagonally from the back...
  4. Livwhitwoo

    Pallet DIY Small Chicken Coop

    Hi All! I've just taken on an allotment site in my local UK based village. I've been looking at purchasing a coop to put on the allotment for my two chooks however they're all extremely expensive for something that looks like with a huff of wind, it'll topple over. My farmer friend delivered...
  5. spiritpots

    my first coop - pallet/insulation question

    I live in Minnesota and am working on plans to build my first coop to accommodate 5-6 chickens. My plan is to build a 24 sq.ft. coop, which from what I have read is the advised 4 sq.ft. of coop space per hen. There will also be a 72 sq.ft. attached, covered run for the chickens when they are not...
  6. Smuvers Farm

    Pallet Nesting Box Designs?

    Our new friend, @tawaz accidentally PMed me instead of posting the thread.... He would like to see any designs for nesting boxes made from old pallets he can build inside his coop(s) where the birds are already laying. Anyone have any designs they can share?
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